The Duvel yeast was deliberately selected because of its lack of clove character. Richard doesn't like the idea of clove flavours mingling with the fruitiness of the hops.
Although classic Belgian (abbey-style) yeast flavours and aromas are extremely subtle in the beer, there's definitely a Duvel-esque tartness in the finish. I like it!
If I had to be critical I'd say the filtering (.45 micron) has diminished the beer's mouthfeel a little.
Seriously... have you guys actually drunk Duvel recently? You'd hardly call that "Belgian". Unless "Belgian" is synonymous with strong golden ale, like it is for some people. Belgian beer does not have to have clove and/or banana...
I find the beer a shade too warm. Other than that is is damn near perfect.
(but I've only had a warm half bottle and a chilled full bottle - a full case, delivered to my door, would certainly help me form a better opinion)
Best beer of the week for me, for sure... with PKB on tap at Bar Edward being not far behind at all. Damn that third batch is good - I'm glad I'll get to give Nally a hug later this week.
I initially thought it might have been a touch "hot" but decided it was a hop thing, not alcohol. You might be right though. I shall need another. And another. And another... just to be sure, you understand. Does this make me the new Neil Miller? Hope not, I'm too lazy to learn to write as well as he does!
I was actually thinking the thing could of been a coferment with 1272 as it was quite clean and fruity and the only thing I picked up on it be some what Belgian was the warming solventyness (not in a bad way) Great beer actualy fantastic beer he said it was good and thank good I didnt take his word on it and drunk plenty of it!! Good Work!!
yeh Mike, I got that solventy character too... I've not tried it again but I thought it was just a little too much. Dropped my BrewNZ prediction from "definite gold" to "probable gold"!
not odd at all... I usually give beers a try at different bars but 99% of what I buy is OPB. It's interesting to drink them on tap as mostly I taste them from the bottle.
I suppose I should be deducting those purchases as expenses... now there is something that feels a bit odd.