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Ok, I'm going to do it, but maybe not quite yet. And there was talk about an Imperial Coopers. I know Mr Cherry's keen too, yes ?

I thought it might be handy to string this together in one place.

Now I'm not going to brew until the weather cools a bit, I'm getting 20C + in the garage right now and I wouldn't want to do that to my Coopers kit would I ?

First questions first though, Draught or Lager ?
Next up, what to add to it.
Not sugar, no. maybe dextrose, maybe LME, or maybe just a kg of pale mashed ?

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You're right about those rose tinted goggles jt, looks even better now.

Also, from memory, these Coopers Kit beers taste best at about the 3rd or 4th pint ;-)
Had a bottle of jt's Coopers Ale last night and really enjoyed it. I had my rose tinted goggles on from the start and expectations were aligned.

Ahh... Those Coopers esters permeated my senses from outset. Closest I've tasted to the real thing. Memories of old came flooding back as I slowly supped on the first glass. Made me think about a few faces that I haven't thought about for a while.

A big step up from the Kit & Kilo beers I brewed in the late 80's & 90's, good job jt. I'm glad you brewed it :-)

Not sure I'd want a whole keg but really appreciate having a bottle.

Cheers jt!
Ah, you're a brave man Mr Cherry. Sounds like a bit of age did it some good then, ?
Do you think you'll give it a go yourself ?
Do you think you'll give it a go yourself ?
Not at this stage. One bottle was enough for me so I'll just stick to the occasional purchase of a Coopers pale Ale from Woollies. I've never tried the Coopers Sparkling Ale or the Coopers Stout so I might try those next.

I do, however, have a Coopers lager kit sitting in my fridge that I bought on whim with Belgian intentions. Not sure what to do with it now. Maybe use it as a base for a smoked stout? I keep changing my mind.
Hey guys - found some stuff on the Coopers website. They have a few threads on Reculturing the commercial yeast. (snip):

Here is a cut-and-paste from the article written for Beer & Brewer:

Coopers, encourage home brewers to use the yeast from naturally conditioned Coopers ales. There are numerous documented techniques, with varying levels of complexity, for re-activating the yeast in naturally conditioned beer. The method described below may leave some readers, experienced in growing yeast cultures, aghast. “What! No stir plate, no malt, no alcohol swabs, no nutrient, no way! However, for Coopers yeast, it works.

1. Buy a six pack of Coopers Original Pale Ale and place upright in the fridge for about a week for the yeast to settle.
2. Mix about 600ml of boiling water and 4 tablespoons of dextrose/sugar in a pyrex jug, cover with cling-wrap and leave to cool in the fridge for about 30mins.
4. Open 4 bottles and decant the beer into a jug, leaving behind the yeast sediment - about a couple of centimetres.
5. Pour the sugared water equally into each bottle, cover with cling-wrap and secure with a rubber band.
6. Shake the bottles then place them in a dark spot at a temperature in the mid 20’s.
7. Give the bottles a shake in the morning and at night to keep the yeast in suspension.
8. After around 2 to 3 days the yeast should become active and begin forming a head.
9. Pitch the active yeast into a brew immediately or store in the fridge for about a week. Just remember to pull it out of the fridge to warm for couple of hours prior to pitching.

A few points to keep in mind for successful Coopers yeast reactivation; use beer with the latest “Best After” date, lower alcohol content is better, it’s okay to hold the culture at slightly higher temps to promote a quicker reactivation, make sure the culture smells okay before pitching, buy another 6 pack for each culture and don’t forget to drink the decanted beer.

PB2 - Coopers Brewery
And a few more things. Not sure if you have tried the Coopers APA Kit? (I have found it at PnS Botany)

The yeast supplied is a blend of Ale and Lager yeast - with rec ferment temps 21Deg C. The kit is also around 10% wheat malt so you may want to add some of this if you are using the Lager Kit as a base.
Sounds like you're quite keen on Coopers John - what've you tried ?
Hey JT. I started off following the advice of a local hbs which was not that successfull. I came across the Coopers forum and as a noob I found their forum really informative and supportive. A huge bonus is that the moderator is the guy that is responsible for designing the kits as well as an avid homebrewer too so you get good advice so I kinda stuck with Coopers for a few brews and got to really know some of their products. Also - their products are pretty affordable.

My favourite to date is a toucan APA made to 25L with about 40g of late motueka and BSaaz added. I think it has a slightly lifted commercial Coopers Aussie Pale Ale malty flavour with more bitterness and a nice spicy/citrusy hop finish.

I'm on my 9th batch now which is the European Lager (my first lager) which has been fermenting away in me temp contr fridge for a week so far.

Bought myself a 50L kettle today - looking forward to my first biab!!!! Loads more stuff to learn again - Already I have seen some great looking recipes here and the biab site, and as long as I dont call anyone's beer cheesy I may just get some support from some of you uber experienced buggers out there.
Loads more stuff to learn again

There always is, the more you learn, the more there is to know.
Do you have some other homebrewers out there to compare beers, opinions & notes with ?
Cheers JT

I wouldn't mind someone local with a good palate. My mates haven't complained but an experienced honest opinion is the best way to know for sure.

Any takers in the Howick/ Pakuranga area?

Adopt a noob. Free beer - hopefully some drinkable.
"Bought myself a 50L kettle today - looking forward to my first biab"

Good stuff mate, BIAB is a great simple way to do all grain brews, if you need any help feel free to ask on here for advice or just send me a PM
Cheers JT


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