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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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haha really?? Mate I love the stuff eh, would've probably gone through at least another half sack since then ;o) The weyermann stuff just isnt as beefy, but I guess all of the Global Malts are pretty beefy!
Got this penciled in for tomorrow after the early start watching England V Algeria.


46% Pils
30% Munich
20% Vienna
4% Melanoiden

24 IBU of Pacifica at 60min
4 IBU of Pacifica at 20min

2 packs of W34/70
Mmmm, looks nice n malty Lee!! Weyermann or Global malts?
Yeah the last one I made was Vienna and Munich and had a little sweetnes to it, this time I thought I'd go for the pils being the major player with less Vienna. Interestingly the Pils and Vienna are Global and the Munich is Weyermann!
Haha, I dont think the Pils will be the major player in that beer mate? you will have a heap of malty melanoidens from the vienna munich and of course the melanoiden, not to say it wont be a lovely beer :o)
I guess what I'm after is an Oktoberfest that's leaning more towards Pils coming through than overly Vienna/Munich malty. Although it's still 50% Munich/Vienna it should be different to last time which was 96% that combo. It's for a mate who enjoyed the last one so I still want some malt coming through for him, just hoping I get something a bit more quaffable by the pint. Also, the last one didn't reach the planned SG so came out sweeter than planned and not enough alcohol to balance that out. This time I'm hoping to hit my numbers better.
Going by what youre after I would probably drop the melanoiden all together or maybe lower it to 1-2%?? The melanoiden will def make you notice the Vienna and Munich alot more than the pils IMO

Just a thought...
I'll have a think about it tonight!
Mash ho!

Just finishing the boil on a house lager given the stocks are getting low.


Riwaka to 35 IBU

Little bit of CaSo4 and Lactic

Tomorrow is my American Amber for the CBC

Pale (thanks Ally)
Amber (thanks Tom)
Black Patent (for colour)

Hop X
What's the thinking behind the Acid malt and lactic acid James? Are you controlling pH in a known way or do you just like it like that?
Sort of, just lowering my pH. Usually some Acid malt brings it down enough, however not this morning, so in goes the lactic to hit 5.2~5.4 range.
Just mashed in this now and resting @ 63

2010 Imperial Stout

5.27 kg Gladfields Pale Malt
2.71 kg Munich Malt
1.76 kg Roasted Barley
680g Brown Malt
680g Carabohemian
680g Caramunich II
680g Melanoidin
600g Rye Malt
410 kg Chocolate Malt
360 kg Biscuit Malt

105 gm Columbus @ 60
105gm Columbus @ 15
120gm Cascade @ 5
London Ale III
Mash Ph of 5.3 had to add 9g CaC03 and 4g of NahC03 to mash to get it there.


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