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As usual I got up to my old tricks - there's 2 different beers from me in the swap. There was going to be 3...

7 lucky winners will get sexual. chocolate.
American brown ale
Writing this at work without the help of my notebook so bear with. I'll update tonight with a more accurate recipe.

Maris Otter, Munich, crystal, dark crystal, pale chocolate, cara-aroma.
Southern Cross for bittering, Amarillo for flavour and aroma (120gm spread across the last 20 minutes)
Wyeast 1272 American Ale II
OG 1.052, FG 1.011

8 lucky winners will get a southern English brown
Similar malt bill but no Munich.
Bittered with Southern Cross and a 5 minute addition of NZ Styrians
OG 1.044, FG 1.008 (finished way too dry)
Wyeast 1768 PC English Special Bitter

Both are bottled from keg so are good to go.

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I got the American, purposely ;o)

Pours dark with chestnut highlights, nice head, aroma isnt as pungent as when I tasted this at Hallertau a few weeks ago, more caramel and toffee with a bit of orange peel. Very American tasting, reminds me alot of the ambers i was drinking in the states, namely Rogue Amber Ale, I would've sworn you've used another hop as well as Amarillo, I can taste mandarin but theres something else going on there, big hoppyness up front followed by a malted toffee finish which is very moreish cos it doesnt linger for very long - im guessing from the lack of a dry hop? Reminded me of that article JT linked in the other day about late hopping vs dry hopping...

Awesome beer mate, cheers :o)
Bottle of the Southern Broon for me. Really liked this one - brown with a fluffy white head in the glass. Hints of mocha, nuts, and some dark fruit then more hazlenuts and coffee. Finished with a nice little minerally note and maybe a hint of spritz. As previously said i really enjoyed it and could easily have drank another couple. Had a sessionable quality that a lot of beers don't have.
Cheers Barry
As usual, not looked at any notes. Poured straight into a pint glass as I knew not to expect any sediment.

American for me!

Crystal clear, gorgeous looking beer. Head subsided very quickly, very low head retention (maybe my glass was at fault).

Lovely hop profile with some nice malt. Overall an excellent balance, lovely drinker.

I'd have liked a little more body, but I don't know if the thinness was only perceptual due to the lack of head. I sometimes wonder if my palate associates creamy head with creamy mouthfeel, and lack of head with thinness.

Thanks Barry, liked it a lot.
Interesting note there Martin, I've often thought the same thing - no head gives me a perception of thin mouthfeel whether I like it or not. Can't seem to talk myself out of it.

Cheers guys.
I'm going to have to fess up and admit I don't know which one I got - the brewing partners were into it by the time I arrived, and having a cold hasn't helped my limited tasting abilities! Must have been the american though I think?

Deep brown on the pour, but really super clear. Clean white head dissipated quickly. I got a banana milkshake kind of aroma on the nose, but definitely not in the flavour. Interesting. Nice medium body with a good solid malt flavour, nice chocolate notes. Bitterness seemed relatively subtle, balance in action.

Great quaffer, really enjoyed this even in a limited sensory capacity - wish I'd been able to wait a few days!
Got the English brown. Deep redwood brown/chestnut colour, good clarity. Malty on the nose. Nicely balanced beer, excellent level of carb for a brown. Girlfriend picks up some cut flower stem in taste and aroma, but not in a floral way. I picked up a little dandelion and burdock in the taste, not too much which is too my liking. Chewy thick body, some dark caramel and treacle notes coming through. Supremely drinkable beer and went down very quickly. Girlfriends favourite so far!
I believe I got the English Brown, not 100% sure as it was a bit of a gusher and only managed to save a little under half a pint.

Deep mahogany colour, malty aroma but cinnamon? Tastes a little toffee roast with velvet mouth feel. Kept me coming back for more as I could have sworn there was raisins, and chocolate... Whilst short and sweet, this was a nice drink to round off the weekend.

Cheers Bazza!
Gusher, damn that's unexpected. Really sorry about that bro.
All good, at least it didn't hit the ceiling, just a bit of ice cream.
I got the English Brown.

I always look forward to a to Barry's beers and this one did not disappoint.

Poured deep brown with ruby highlights and a large persistent off-white head. Seems pretty clear too. Aroma has a nice minerally profile with chocolate, coffee & nutty dark fruit. Very inviting. Carbonation is nice with a little spritziness in the mouth. No a complaint, just an observation. Tastes like it smells with a dry finish followed by coffee & nuts looong into the finish. Bitterness is nicely balanced, there, but not stealing the show. I'm not very familiar with English yeasts but this beer reminded my of S-04. Some kind of fruit coming through as it warms, oranges maybe?

Nice beer Barry, I really enjoyed it and as always, very well brewed. Style-wise a nice contrast from the other CS beers I've had so far.

wow thanks man. appreciate the feedback. you might have inspired me to crack your pilzner next!
Feel free to let Pilsnzer breath a little before sampling. The "A" word has been mentioned in some of the feedback which I believe is a combination of light malt character, dryness, bitterness & carbonation. I dialled the carbonation down on the keg and the beer was better for it (as usual). Damn over-carbonated style guidelines!


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