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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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5%, pretty much all pilsner malt (malteurop or gladfield) and maybe a touch of carapils
63-64c mash
A really solid ferment with a good clean simple yeast (danish lager?)
To me, the tap version (in a decent bar) does have a little hop aroma/flavour. I'd add a little dose of late hops at 15min and 0min - around 0.25-0.5g/L
+1 from me - go with Malturop... they do (it is malted to their spec though) and use 2% Carapils (to make up for the difference in malt spec)

I don't think I would add sugar - a 64 degree mash will dry this out.

Go with a 90 min boil too.

W34/70 (23grams) will ferment this at 12 - 14 degrees.

Small late hops wont hurt.
"I don't think I would add sugar"

But Steinlager do dont they? I guess if you dont it will just make your beer better than the original :oP
I couldn't say if they do or don't... I just know that beers like Becks, Warsteiner etc don't and Steinlager is a lot closer to these beers than anything else. That's the only reason why...

... and because ALL GRAIN IS BETTER!!!
Amen to that mate!!
boil is good advice - although LN will probably only boil for 60min, you can be sure as hell they'll have a far more vigorous boil
More green bullet? Or maybe NZ hallertau or something? Cheers!
Green Bullet all the way!
Thanks for all the advice guys, this site rules. I bottled my 8th batch on Monday and I have had no infection, bottle bombs, or undrinkable beer so far, mostly thanks to the interweb and this site in particular! I don't have temperature control at the moment so I am going to try US05, it seems to ferment at 16-17 in my garage at the moment so hopefully will be pretty clean and thorough. Cheers!
OK I want to have a crack at this amber ale recipe from the Mr Malty site. I am going to hop it differently but I am going to use the same malt bill - can anyone shed light on possible alternatives for victory malt? I don't think Brewers Coop stock it.

Recipe: Evil Twin

Ingredients for 6 U.S. gallons (23 liters)
Target Original Gravity: 1.066 (16.21 Plato)
Approximate Final Gravity: 1.016 (4.08 Plato)
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70%
Anticipated SRM: 17
Anticipated IBU: 23.8
Anticipated ABV: 6.66%
Wort Boil Time: 90 minutes

12 lb (5.44 kg) British Pale Malt 3L
1 lb (0.45 kg) Crystal 40L
1 lb (0.45 kg) Munich Malt 8L
0.50 lb (0.22 kg) Victory Malt 25L
0.50 lb (0.22 kg) Crystal 120L
0.25 lb (0.11 kg) Pale Chocolate Malt 200L
0.5 oz. (14 g) Centennial pellet hops, 10% alpha acid (20 min.) (6.4 IBU)
0.5 oz. (14 g) Amarillo pellet hops, 7% alpha acid (20 min.) (4.5 IBU)
1 oz. (28 g) Centennial pellet hops, 10% alpha acid (10 min.) (7.6 IBU)
1 oz. (28 g) Amarillo pellet hops, 7% alpha acid (10 min.) (5.3 IBU)
1 oz. (28 g) Centennial pellet hops, 10% alpha acid (0 min.) (0 IBU)
1 oz. (28 g) Amarillo pellet hops, 7% alpha acid (0 min.) (0 IBU)
I brewed something similar a while ago and from memory I went with Melanoiden for the colour characteristics as much as anything else.

There's a thread here that has some other suggestions.
Nice one - CaraAmber it is! Will probably brew it on Sunday.


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