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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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I've just telephoned my wife who is in New Plymouth tonight; who is now under strict instructions to stop by and collect a bottle to further the education of my palate.
Some excellent beer last night, I won't name everything just the highlights:

Tuatara APA
Mike's Porter (hadn't hit the whiskey barrels yet)
Mike's IIPA (Awesome)
Green Flash Hop head and WC IPA
Lagunitas Hop Stoopid
Alaskan Smoked porter
Goose Island Matilda (Belgian bret ale - too young, no bret yet but loved the beer)

EDIT: Looks like I named *nearly* everything....
I've got a 2009 Matilda I bought in the US. Will have to do a tasting!!
Well - I thought I'd splash out this weekend and have a few beers (other than my home brew...)

Chimay Blue - I forgot how much I like this beer. Tasted quite fresh and the expiry on the back was 2013 so I figured it is bottled late last year. It had heaps of nice rich malt going on with sweet stone fruit esters. Probably the best Dubbel around.

Fullers ESB (exp november 2010) - not as oxidised as any of the other Fullers ESBs I've had. Great bitterness and some sweet caramel toffee notes. None of that toxic leathery / cardboardy crap you get in a lot of these beers.

Epic Pale Ale (BB 18-03-11) - It's so good to have this available in the New World supermarket down here. HEEL YEAH!!!! This is what I remember my very first mouthful of Epic tasting like. Great aroma of malt and graoefruit peel and hughe dry bitterness on the palate with a resinous aftertaste and mineral mouthfeel. Lovely beer Luke - I wish it was available in kegs down here now. You'll have to share this recipe one day.
Yum - I had a pint of Epic pale at the cock & bull in the Botany centre yesterday, after being dragged around and forced to try on 8000 items of clothing by my lovely wife. Just the ticket!
Thornbridge Stout. Good, but not as good as Three Boys. Slightly too sweet for me and lacking in deep chocolately or coffee bitterness.
Stunning stock of beers in Regionals this weekend. I stocked up on 8 wired smoked porter, 8 wired istout, a rigger of epic stout and mike's IIPA. And there was a lot more I would have picked up, but was starting to worry about the budget after that lot. Has there ever been a better time for NZ beer?
As one of the distributers of case swap 5 I have the advantage of getting to drink the local offerings first.

Last night was Dales WnBC winning IIPA.

Tonight is a Cherry Brew PilZNer.

Mmmm tasty homebrews :o)
Chris dropped by today and left me with a couple bottles of beer. One blonde, and one dark American Style Ale.

Tonight I had the Dark Ale, and it did not let me down. Being one who enjoys bitter beers, I loved this one.

Good job Chris!
This last night - http://www.konabrewingco.com/beers/pipeline-porter

My old man brought me back a mixed 6 pack from Kona brewing, the porter was not bad, coffee notes on the nose with a dry bitter (from the coffee?) almost chocolate finish, a little thin but a pretty good drop for a cold sunday night!
Ahh, Monday night brings out a certain sort of beer drinker. Even better when its your Birthday..

Celebrating with some old favourites, and a new one
Sierra Nevada celebration ale
Happy Birthday bro!


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