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$50+GST / month


I would like to provoke the discussion on this topic, although it has been raised on here before, to try and find out the real costs around the country and see where the value for money drinks really are. And who is actually ripping the customer off. I will start with Speights Alehouse who charge $6.80 for a 400ml 'pint' which equates to $9.66 a true pint (568ml). So take your measuring jugs to the bars, then when your mates moan about the cost of real ales point this out to them!





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We have a three tier price for 20oz/568ml pints at The Moutere Inn

standard (DB) = $6.50
premium (craft keg) = $8.00
real ale = $8.50

we also have prices for 7/12/16 oz glasses and jugs as well - but I won't list everything
This comes up a lot, and without wanting to be a killjoy, do people actually care that much?

I don't know about you lot, but if I find a bar serving great craft beer, in good condition, with a nice atmosphere, and friendly staff, the last thing I'm about to do is calculate if I'm paying 50c more per "pint" than the metaphorical down-the-road and then feel ripped off.

That stuff in your glass isn't just "beer at $x per litre". The cost of that beer represents everything that particular bar does to get that beer in your glass, including some profit - the reward for providing it to you. Each bar will have a different equation based on their costs, overheads, and desired amount of profit. I know for a fact that nobody selling craft beer in NZ is currently rubbing their hands together with glee as they bathe in massive piles of money. It's far more profitable to hook up another keg of Lion Rouge, and let the money print itself.

We all love a bargain, it's in our nature. Nothing wrong with that. I really do think though that until craft beer becomes much more prevalent, the worst thing we can do is discourage the sale of it by carping about an extra few cents per pint here and there.

Beer people in NZ are great people. Brewers, bar owners, drinkers all. I've never met one who I think would even begin to contemplate ripping someone off. It's a hard market with razor thin margins, catering to consumers with very high expectations. Maybe we should put these kind of discussions to bed for about 10 years? :)
Something I come into contact with time and time again when helping bars change thier lists from mainstream to craft is that they have to cut thier margins when they start selling craft beer. I dont think there is much 'ripping off' going on with craft beer, in fact its usually a drop in profit margin.
I think that my post has come across in the wrong way. I wish every bar in the country sold craft beer from micro breweries and I gladly pay more for the quality beer (wont touch mainstream beer). What I dislike is my colleague or someone I get into conversation with saying to me - "I'm not going to ......... and paying $8 dollars a pint when I can get a pint for $6.80 at the Speights ale house! There is no control over measures here, or so it seems, so I feel people are being duped... Hope this is more inline with what I was trying to say!
Just to add a quick note to Greig's point, feel lucky you're not in England where the brewerys themselves are over charging their own bars for the privillage of buying their beer.

It's true that some places charge more per beer due to differing costs, but at least they get the beer in at the same rate or close to.
Don't take a measuring jug into a speight's ale house, they ask you to leave when you measure their pints.... :)
Are you speaking from experience James? :)
Yep albeit on a bus trip. When questioned why I was doing it I said I just preferred to use my own glass but they pulled up Health regulations etc.
Well having recently gone back to uni, cost is a big factor for me (infact, one of the reasons I got into brewing!). I was drinking in Wine Cellar last night, and a 750 ml bottle of Mike's IPA was selling for $35!! Naturally I stuck with the Crouchers - which I think is around $8-9ish dollars a pint.

In Dunedin you can drink all kinds of Emersons (including the brewers reserve) for $7.5 a pint in a few bars. Now that is great value. You can also fill you own flagons from the brewery for $15!!!!

I miss home.
I have a couple of suggestions to keep future prices in check:

Cancel GST increase
Cancel ETS
Reduce excise tax
what gets increased to compensate?
Russians with spare carbon credits?


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