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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Looks all good mate, nice simple grist with a fairly big flavour/aroma addition, should get you in the ball park of what you tried in sydney!!
That looks like a good beer m8!

Have you brewed with WLP002, or Burton Ale yeast before? What kind of flavours do they give?
WLP002 = W1968 and Burton = W1275 ?

I've only tried three Engish ale yeasts and those two were winners - W1028 was the other, just like S04 but in a liquid form

Reckon they'll both be good beers. 002 with more malt but clear as anything and the Burton drier but at least neither will be harsh on your hops - unless you're a Jamil fan, in which case you'll be suffering big burnt tyre syndrome ?
Belgian Dark Strong

68% Dingemans Pils
8% Caramalt
8% Dingemans Aromatic
4% Dingemanns Biscuit
6% Dark Candi Syrup
2% Golden Syrup
4% Invert Sugar

Mash 52deg (30mins) 63deg (40mins) 72deg (20mins) 76deg (5mins)

20Ibu Styrian Goldings @ 60
150g Motueka @10 mins (60Litres)

Wyeast Abbey II
1.090 - 1.015 10% Abv
6g Chloride in the Mash
18 deg Pitch capped @ 22 degrees
Looks good Mike. What's with the 60L boil? Do you have some new gear?
Nah no new gear unfortunatly just brewing 60L so I have enough for sometime my belgians seem to disapear real quick, Im brewing 20L today than 40L tomorrow that way my yeast will be firing on all cylinders to eat alot of the 1.090!!
just ground for tomorrow

5.500 kg of Pale Ale Malt
0.190 kg of Carapils Malt
0.092 kg of Medium Crystal
0.030 kg of Chocolate Malt

57 g of NZ Cascade (60 Min From End)
19 g of NZ Cascade (10 Min From End)
19 g of nz Golding (5 Min From End)

mash at 64
ferment with so5
40 ltrs

hoping for a simple,tasty session beer,aiming for about 4%abv

do you think the goldings will go with the cascade?

comments/opinions appreciated
do you think the goldings will go with the cascade?

Is that enough base malt for a 4% beer? What's your expected OG?
1035 pre and 1040 post boil, i,ve been apparently getting efficiencys of around 90% recently, i'm not sure if i'm misreading my measurements or if i'm actually getting that!? i've been way high on my o.g for the last 2 brews so i've used 90% as the efficiency for this and i'll see what happens tommorrow, may be an extended boil if i'm down :)
do you think the goldings will go with the cascade?

Im about to find out? Well brewing it next weekend

Brown Bitch

Gladfields Pale Malt 68.83 %
0.39 kg Barley, Flaked 9.83 %
0.39 kg Caramunich II 9.83 %
0.16 kg Caramalt 3.93 %
0.12 kg Crystal Malt (150.0 EBC) 3.03 % (Carabohemiem?)
0.10 kg Pale Chocolate 2.52 %
0.08 kg Black Patent

10Ibu US Cascade @ 60
40g NZ Goldings @ 10
40g US Cascade @ 4
30g Each US Cascade and Goldings @ 0 for 20

Mash @ 69
1.038 - ?????
Thames Valley II
Saliney Chalky water
Just finished this brown but it ended up being this, Bit of a whim brew this one had no yeast apart from 30mls of nice slurry of Thames Valley II, Shock it up for about 15mins with 100mls starter wort than dumped it into 1000mls of starter wort, high Krausen in 5 hours than just dumped it into the fresh wort, I hope this works as the last time I done this the beer was full of Diacytel and needed like 2 weeks to come drinkable!!

63.5% Gladfields Pale Ale
10% Flaked Barley
10% Caramunich II
8% Belgian Aromatic
4% Biscuit
3% Pale Choc
1.5% Choc

69 Degree Mash

30g Cascade @ 15
30g UK Fuggles @ 10
30g UK Goldings @ 5
30g Each Cascade Goldings Fuggles @ 0

Thames Valley II
1.038 Sg to hopefully 1.012
Salty Chalky Chloridy water
Just mashed in on the first of two brews today: A Black Currant Porter:

20L batch

3.00kg Malteurop Pilsner
0.50kg Flaked Barley
0.45kg Caramunich II
0.20kg Chocolate
0.10kg Chocolate Wheat ('cause I was a bit short on chocolate malt and need to use the rest of this somehow)
0.05kg Black

Mash @ 69C for one hour

15g Chinook @ 60
25g Fuggles @ 5

OG 1.047
24 IBU

Ferment with US05

Add 500g organic Black Currant Syrup after primary ferment is complete
Add another 100g or so as needed to bottle prime


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