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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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I agree. The ultimate expressions of this are the Dogfish Head 90 and 120 minute IIPAs, where hops are added constantly throughout the boil time. This leads to a smooth and complex bitterness melding into hop flavour, into aroma. In a porter like this that's probably just a waste of hops. Personally, I would simplify things. I like the pairing of Goldings and Willamette, it should give some nice layering.
Thanks chaps. I will consolidate the additions to 60, 30, 15, and 5. And I may switch the Williamette to dry hop.

I have tried multiple small additions with a couple of pale ales and it has worked really well for me there.
Ditto Martin and Reviled. It all depends on what you are trying achieve though, Raffe. I think the malt bill looks pretty spot on. Why dry hop? If you want a heavier hop aroma and taste, by all means, but it is not really true to style.
Anyone have a recipe for a French Biere de Garde? I've done a bit of Googleage and all the American recipes seem to involve funny Belgian malts like Aromatic, Special B etc. Has anyone brewed something with more 'mainstream' malts?
Sorry Martin cant really help ya with the 'mainstream' malts, but Liberty has some Aromatic in stock at the mo and I remember reading somewhere else in NZ has special B, so all is not lost?

Or, alternatively, just sub for weyermann malts, Jo may be able to add some insight on this since hes used the Aromatic, but I was under the understanding that Melanoiden is a good sub for Aromatic and that CaraAroma is a good sub for Special B
Yeah, I'm just trying to minimize the number of specialty malts I have sat in the cupboard! I don't want to buy a kg of something, use it in one beer then have it sat there for months until I think of something else to brew with it.
Now youre just making up excuses ;o) If it doesnt sit in your cupboard for a few months chances are its gonna sit at the brew shop instead, malt lasts for ages!! But if it helps, ill buy half a kg of Aromatic off of ya??

I have a heap of specialty malts in my stash, some have been there for a little over a year but still smells fresh as and def has a crunch to it still, so I have no problems using it... Each to their own of course tho...
You are a relentless supporter Tyler! You can get whatever amounts of malt you want off liberty - either use the browser to order in 50g denominations, or flick me an email and get a specific amount that you want... it's all good!
What a nice man you are Joseph!

Seriously, I'm just trying to minimize the amount I spend on grain, hops etc. at the moment. If a beer can't be made with what I currently have then I have to reconsider making it.
I know that if you use a kilo of Munich, you'll get the same aroma as if you have about 200g of Aromatic malt in there. You'll have a different colour, and probably a bit more body - but the overall impression would be similar.

Special B is easily subsitiuted with Dark Crystal. Most Dark Crystal is about 240ish EBC but some (Like Thomas Fawcett) is 300 EBC. Special B is 300EBC.

You could get away with those subs I reckon.
I hear cara-aroma can sub special b too, although I believe it's a bit darker?

Melanoidin is also listed as a sub for aromatic too I believe.

Have either of those on hand.

The BCS recipe has pils, munich, cane sugar, caravienna (20L) and black patent in the grist - maybe that's worth a shot.
I have some dark crystal if you need some...


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