Had a 'Firestone Walker Double Barrel Ale' last night. A very nice American Pale Ale from California. Wish I'd bought a half dozen whilst they were on special at Beer Store.
drank a LOT of this in California last year - even drove past the brewery accidentally. Filled up for gas next door - the gas station sold the whole range!
Last night: Thorogoods Billy B golden apple beer. Don't know wether to classify it as beer or cider but it was pretty awesome. Reminded me of flanders sour ales. I remember hearing a while back that these were made by mashing in with apple juice and then just brewing as usual.? does anyone know if that's true?
- My new favourite Coopers Best Extra Stout dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn where has it been all my life!!!!!! (not even a hint of granny smith jt! Coopers have redeemed themselves!!!)
- Crouchers Pale ale bit murky looking but tasty and hoppy!
- Crouchers Pils nice but probably prefer Emmersons Pils
- Matsons Pils bland and watery (very refreshing for our round of golf in Kawerau) but I wouldnt get it again :-(
I was supprised at how hard it was to find Crouchers beers in Rotorua thank goodness for Pak N Slave.
Permalink Reply by Phil on April 11, 2010 at 11:14am
Hallertau porter noir.... Not too subtle on the noir side of things, perhaps cellaring is the way to go. The bottle states can be cellared till 2013 I think.
Thanks to Chris & Beanie for their hospitality, a few Northy Ales. (Just why do partners/wives disppear when guys talk beer ?)
I had to bbq when I got home and it was by moonlight by the time I finished.
Thoroughly disapointed by the lame by comparison brown ale, even by moonlight - and the hydrometer sample of Pukie Brown in the garage was still sitting at a lowly 1.044, and had not magically risen to the planned 1.047 while I'd been gone !
Permalink Reply by Ron on April 11, 2010 at 9:29pm
Been at the Taste Jazz afternoon in Poplar lane in Christchurch today. Twisted Hop have brewed a new seasonal called "Improvisation Ale". This is my new favourite beer, IPA style,so smooth with lots of tropical fruit especially passionfruit on the nose. Tastes amazing, I hope it becomes a regular feature. Don't shag about there is only a limited supply.
Oh and the jazz was good too.
Lunch at Hallertau with the parents today. Wonderful as always.
The seasonal amber hoppy lager (whose name has entirely slipped my mind) was pretty damn nice. And finally managed to get me another pint of Deliverance, the Dortmunder from that brewing genius Ben Middlemiss. What a superb beer, so clean, so malty. Finished off a lagery day with a pint of Deception, which did not disappoint. And the missus was more than happy with the D-Cider. A few takeaways, including some Maximus!