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Where does everyone buy their brewing salts?

I been getting: 
- Gypsum (CaSO4) & Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) from my LHBS
- Tartaric Acid & Baking Soda from Pak N Save
- Epsom Salts (MgSO4) & Citric Acid from my wife (via GoNative)

Where can I buy Calcium Chloride & Sodium Chloride in small amounts?
In Wellington?

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seems a must with NZ malt/hop combos.

Do I need a PhD in water chemisty to brew a quaffer with NZ ingredients Stu - is there a simple answer out there - or is it really that important ?

Even for dark beers like Porters & Stouts?

Isn't that why you often don't treat darker beers, or why you throw a handfull of choc malt in anything ?

until i watched the videos in the link and used the spreadsheet linked in post 7 i had never thought about using salts,it seemed way too advanced for me but the spreadsheet and videos made it seem a lot more accessible
On a related subject, where is a good place to buy scales calibrated for these weights? Denim, you mentioned a lab place last Saturday but I can't remember the name.

Apologies in advance if this results in a thread jack...
i added it to my last stout-

Starting Water (ppm):
Ca: 29
Mg: 4
Na: 2
Cl: 1
SO4: 8
HCO3: 82

Mash / Sparge Vol (gal): 6 / 9
Dilution Rate: 0%

Adjustments (grams) Mash / Boil Kettle:
CaCO3: 5 / 7.5
CaSO4: 0 / 0
CaCl2: 2.2 / 3.3
MgSO4: 2.5 / 3.75
NaHCO3: 7.5 / 0
NaCl: 0 / 0
HCL Acid: 0 / 0
Lactic Acid: 0 / 0

Mash Water / Total water (ppm):
Ca: 144 / 144
Mg: 14 / 14
Na: 92 / 38
Cl: 48 / 48
SO4: 51 / 51
CaCO3: 372 / 254

RA (mash only): 261 (27 to 31 SRM)
Cl to SO4 (total water): 0.94 (Balanced)

i found it was the only way i could get the sulfate/chloride ratio right without adding to much sodium, i had to then up the amounts of chalk and baking soda to get the correct RA

that said i'm quite new to brewing salts so i may be doing something wrong, i played for a while though and couldn't finad any other way.


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