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I'm in need of some inspiration with my brewing, so I have come up with a fun idea: a homebrew competition.

Send me a bottle of your favourite homebrew/s. I'll pick my favourite beer, and the winner gets his recipe back as ingredients i.e. the malt and hops or equivalent substitute that went into making the batch. AND I will include your recipe as a kit on libertybrewing (with your permission of course)

It doesn't matter what style it is - I'll pick my favourite beer.

Best of all - your entry is FREE!!!!!

I'll update the progress on this thread.

Send me a P.M for my address. Entries close 28-2-10.


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Holy crap that is a lot of hops!! Well done mate, haven't tried an amber yet - or an imperial anything; might be time to kill two birds with one 400g bag of hops and a metric shit-ton of grain!
Water is funny aye I see you read alot of 'adding gypsum' to the water to enhance hop bitterness, but I find myself adding more Epsom Salts more than Gypsum and I see you have done the same. Well Brewed bro!!
Yeah, sulphate is sulphate I reckon, but a good way to get SO4 into the water without adding too much Ca.
Shit I quite like the look of that Glen, its making me drool!

Congrats on the win mate, and to everyone who got a mention ;o)
Well done Glen. Looks an impressive recipe, I shall have to put my order in for some of the ingredients :-)
Thanks for the mention Jo and also for the feedback. I'm glad I entered as it's always good to get objective feedback of your beers. Great idea for a competition too. I'll be happy to flick you a bottle of whatever I have on hand if or when you do it again.

Congratulations Denim! I remember when you first posted that recipe and thinking to myself "faaark, what a monster!". It's not the sort of beer that I brew or drink regularly but one day I'll get up enough courage to try something like that.

Cheers lads.
Where's my comments?? Your comments are getting as lazy as mine!! eg; Good /Bad. hahha. I reacon that beer we brewed tasted the business due to the fact of the added Sodium filled sweat dripping from our foreheads into the mash or the 2 types of saccharomyces used to ferment the bitch due to one crashing out!!


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