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Have tried to search the site but can't find any info on a Bookbinder recipe

I really really want to create my own 'Booky'

The Emersons site states 4 malts plus Nelson grown Fuggles and Riwaka.

Any ideas...yeast, mash temp, hopping rates and malts etc?

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Havnt seen you around here in a while mate, how are ya? Managed to get your brewery up and running this year yet?

I seem to recall Barry saying he got pretty close once to bookbinder, but I dont think he was trying to clone it, maybe send him a PM?
Or Mr Cherry ?
Maybe thats who it was??
a really wild quick guess that might be a starter

88% nz pale malt
6% caramalt
5.5% crystal 90
0.5% black
pretty low ester yeast - maybe warm fermented S05
67c mash, a little acid but nothing tricky in the water teatment
1.040 ferment to 1.012 for 3.7%
25ibu - flavour/aroma: 1g/litre @15min and 0min (50/50 mix of fuggles/riwaka)
Pale Malt and a pinch, emphasis on the pinch, of Black was what Richard Emerson said to me.
That was the BrewNZ event at the Old Bank Arcade 3 or 4 or 5 years ago.

You need to read a whole heap more into that to make a good Bookie clone though
I tried to brew a Bookbinder clone a couple of times and although I got into the ball park I certainly never nailed it.
Here's the closest I got to a Bookbinder Clone (you'll need to scroll to the bottom)

85% Maris Otter
5% Wheat
5% Crystal 15
5% Crystal 120

Styrian for bittering
Fuggles & Riwaka (1:1) @ 15 min
Fuggles & Riwaka (1:1) @ 0 min

Yeast: S33

OG: 1.040
FG: 1.016
ABV: 3.6%
IBU: 30

It wasn't as dark or as bitter as bookbinder and the Fuggles just didn't seem right. My Fuggles were UK Fuggles so maybe that was some of the difference but I thought NZ Styrian from another attempt was closer.

Also, I believe it needs to be dry hopped.
Some good replies thanks Chaps. I'll try and work something out based on what I have - (fresh sack of GP to hand). Not too worried about a full on clone - more about achieving that lovely flavoursome balance around 3.7%


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