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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Really? You dont like 1272? Geez by the look of your Wedding photos bro its seems Nicole and you love the stuff!! or is that just the hops?
You might be mistaken there Mike - unless Demin's gone all undercover style and married a Nicole just like Rev?
Shit your right its the second time I have done it this week!! I must be going mad!!
I've been happy enough with it. It did good in a re-brew of Tasty's APA.
I love 1272. What didn't you like about it denim and what temp did you ferment at?
First brew in a long time - and first double batch to boot.

Had some issues with the new March pump / whirlpooling. Not a lot of pressure in the pump. Any tips?

My efficiency was way up - probably a combo of slightly smaller mill gap (.9mm), Kolsch, and nice long fly sparge.

Amber Victory

38 IBUs

5.00 kg .Kolsch Malt
3.00 kg Golden Promise
1.00 kg .Munich I
0.65 kg .Crystal, Medium
0.50 kg Vienna Malt
0.43 kg .Caraamber
0.43 kg .Crystal, Dark

60 min 20.00 gm.Chinook
10 min 20.00 gm.Simcoe
10 min 50.00 gm.Amarillo
10 min 50.00 gm.Riwaka
1 min 25.00 gm.Simcoe
1 min 41.00 gm.Cascade, US [7.80 %]
1 min 50.00 gm.Amarillo [8.60 %]
1 min 60.00 gm.Riwaka [5.40 %]

Maybe an airlock getting in the way of the pump priming properly? I've had this happen and once it's sorted it's all good - but a real pain in the ass until then.
yeah I've been reading up about this. It wouldn't pump for ages - thought I had a block. It eventually got going but there was stuff all 'whirlpool'
Im either going to brew this tonight or tomorrow to take down for a road trip around the top of the South Islands Brewerys and Bars;

4.20 kg Munich Malt
1.40 kg Pilsner
0.30 kg Cara-Pils

30Ibu of Summit @ 60

40.00 gm Simcoe 15 min
40.00 gm Summit10 min

40.00 gm Summit 20 min Aroma Hop-Steep
40.00 gm Simcoe 20 min Aroma Hop-Steep

Pacman @ 16 slight over pitch to combat temp.

1.056 - 1.012, 5.8%
55 IBU

80ppm Ca, 60ppm Cl, 200ppm S04
"road trip around the top of the South Islands Brewerys and Bars"

You lucky bugger, when are you planning that?
Easter weekend for a week, Start off at Blenheim than around Nelson towards Mussel Inn than we head towards the Twisted Hop. Cant wait!!
Awesome stuff mate! Have a wicked time!!


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