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Who are your favourite members on www.realbeer.co.nz? Who has made your brewing better? The winner get's to give him / herself a pat on the back. Tell us why...

Here are some people who have made my list - these guys have directly helped me improve my brewing:

Reviled: Always working in the background making AG accessable to beginner brewers, and for the work he's been putting in getting hops from Oz, and sussing out brewery tours.

Mike Neilson: Always sending me beer great to taste, and getting the discussions some edge. He constantly questions conventional styles.

Stu McKinlay: My beer guardian Angel. Has been sending me hard to get beer, and discusses the finer points of brewing.

James_P: Very generous with giving me fantastically handy brew equipment - and just gave me a beautiful gift for me and my family.

Steve Plowman: Always hooking me up with grain, yeast etc etc. He is the man! Makes great beer - loves talking beer, drinking beer, making beer. Innovative, refreshing and very very very generous with his time.

NZ Brewer
Made this forum that changed my brewing life.

Denimglen For hooking me up with my Danscade rhizome, and being all round foulmouthed on the forum - which cracks me up!

NVIOUS For being my go to guy when I need some supplies that I cant get in the Naki.

Sorry to anyone who didn't make my list - more than likely you'll be on someone elses.

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Just discovered this old thread...

This site has been an invaluable resource for me as a home brewer. Had it not been for this site I would probably have stopped brewing a long time ago and/or still be battling with kits. Cheers Luke.

I always value the opinions of everyone on this site, even if I don't always agree :-) There are some great brewers on here and I always try to read everything that appears as you never know when a "golden snippet" will appear. Cheers to everyone that contributed over the years.

For me there have been a few people that consistently inspire and teach me: jt, Stu, JoKing & Mike. Cheers Lads.

Also, in my early days of AG, Ed Siddle helped me more than he probably realised and made the whole daunting process of AG seem acheivable. That was a turning point for me. Cheers Ed.

Finally, thanks everyone for making this thing work.
Ed Siddle

Where is he ?

There's a few gone missing since the ning thing eh ?
Man...this is a hard one!

So, I have met some damn good bastards here, including most of you who I exchange comments with. However, at the forefront of my mind:

1) JT: This guy let me come by his place and learn a lot about AG brewing. If I did not have an ingredient on hand he sorted me out. JT also also helped with recipes, and even lets me lean on him to come by and mill my grains. :)

2) Chris: Chris made a damn good chiller! The man is a genius with a with a flame for soldering.

3) JoKing .. Great advise on ingredients. Also great quick delivery, and even when couriers lets us down, he made good.

4) Mike Neilson: Without me ever asking for it, Mike offered to make a starter yeast for me, when i was asking for advice on a batch. This was damn good yeast too!

5) The Northern Welly Brewers: Great guys! We shared brews, and I learnt alot from these guys. Thank you!
Nah easy!
Jt- always keen for a beer and handing down advice
Chris oooh dunno bout those dodgy metallers!!
Joking - my first dealer to hook me up with Ammerican hops!
Mike Neilson - helping with above deal!
Matthew - sharing his early all grain brews (damn theres some inspiration)
Toast - showing me the all grain ropes (soon to be implemented?)
Michael - for fessing up to being a fellow metaller and sharing beers when in short supply!
James P - sharing his hop cuttings with me and going the extra mile to be sure it woked out!
Cerevisia - for sharing beers and recipes!
Yep, pretty easy. Stu, Mike, Jo, jt and the Northern Welly Brewers, we rock the party.

Sweet im skinny, I can drink more now!! hahaha!!
but I've got the best jersey!!
No green pants Stu ?
Pretty sure he wore the spandex ones that night. Easier to wash the beer out of...

Oh and thanks to the ladies for providing the little bouquet of flowers on the table. Really lifted the standard.
Yeah David Bain eat your hart out!!
"Yeah David Bain eat your hart out!!"

hahahahaha, gold!!
Nice photo! Stu, Jo & jt look like triplets.

If you look closely you can even pick up some good tips from the pros:
- Net curtains and plastic beer glasses to prevent the beer becoming light struck
- A nice plastic table cloth to assist with the inevitable "table suck"


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