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Hi Guys,

Just wondering where everyone buys brewing ingredients.  Personally, I haven't found a place that ticks all the boxes, large range, good information, and great service.  Typically, large range is the hardest to come by.

I generally buy from:
Liberty Brewing - www.libertybrewing.co.nz
Brewers COOP - www.brewerscoop.co.nz
Hauraki Homebrew - www.haurakihomebrew.co.nz
Dunedin Malt House - www.dunedinmalthouse.com

I'm based in Hawke's Bay, and as far as I know, there's nowhere to buy local, so it's always online, usually from one (often from more than one) of the above.

Where do you buy yours?  Anywhere with a really good selection, and also preferably with good info (about the products) on their website?


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They're all pretty good, but add Liberty Brewing - www.libertybrewing.co.nz as it ticks all the boxes as far as I am concerned, and the owner Joseph is a regular on here ('JoKing') and is therefore on the same 'wavelength' as the majority of us here.
PS he makes really cool kit as well, search on 'Liberty Brewing is the Dogs Bollocks"....
yeah - i get all my grains from JoKing at liberty brewing, his range of grains is unmatched i feel.
and i get all my NZ hop from nz hops in nelson (purely because of hte range). i'll be getting my american hop from JoKing as well.
I get everything through Liberty, and chances are if Jo doesnt have it, if you ask nice he might get it in for ya!

I used to go to Mike at brewers coop, great guy, low prices and good service, but whenever I wanted something 'out of the box' I had to source it elsewhere only to find Mike stocking it 6 months later which used to really annoy me! Jo just takes a punt and gets stuff in which I think is just absolutely awesome!!
How do you go about getting hops from NZ Hops, on the homebrew scale?

PS - I have ordered from Liberty, although not lately - I knew I missed one when I wrote the initial post!
I just been emailing NZ Hops about 100gm packets.(pellets)
They suggested I go to the local brewing shops (and pay max retail.. be f'ked!)
However they are ok with a 5kg order.
Price they quoted is Hallertau @ $22/kg plus gst plus freight.
NZ Post online says the 6kg parcel will cost $22. Nelson to Katikati BOP.
Therefore total cost will be $145.75 unless NZ Hops use a dearer freight carrier.
Depending on hopping strength that is a shit load of batches!
You would be a right piss head to through put 5kg hops in a year!

I am in receipt of a letter from NZ Hops dated July 1992, they were quite happy to mail order 100 gm packets for $2.10 plus gst.

The 5 kg order would equate to $2.90 per 100 grams landed on my door step in 2010.

So guys ??? perhaps members could do a distribution deal and split up these 5kg minimum orders at 100 gm lots minimum up to what ever you want, even with a bit of extra postage that is cheap brewing.

With a few different varieties @ 5kg we could get that variety of hop types at bargain prices?
I've been ordering my hops from NZ Hops for the last couple of years with no issues... maybe there has been a policy change, or the home brew shops are raising issues with NZ Hops?

You are right though my LHBS sells for a 100% mark up, so they can whistle dixie... get it from Liberty or Brewer's Coop for the best deals!
doreen sent me a 100g pricelist last week,i've placed an order but she is yet to confirm,which is strange as she's normally pretty prompt,maybe she's on holiday? i do hope they've not had a change of policy, i'm waiting for a kilo of sauvin!
"she's normally pretty prompt,maybe she's on holiday?"
I do hope so too because I have had the same prob (lack of reply once I said I only wanted a couple of kilo)
Yep, I stopped buying from NZH several months ago. It was taking 3 weeks + to organise hops. I can get what I need from Liberty inside 48hrs from order to the front door.

I don't want this to turn into a slag-fest of NZH because their service and product quality in the past has been second to none. I just wonder if the growth in homebrewing and the popularity of buying right from the source has left them out of their depth?
Absolutely Doreen has been one of the most friendly helpfull people I have ever ever communicated with when it came to ordering from a website bar none!

I just hope they havent moved on from doing "little" orders?
Hm .. usually Doreen's right onto it.
Bought a couple of kgs of pellets in May or June and no problem - the service was almost as good as Liberty's


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