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What beers did you brew during 2009?

I've just been looking back at the beers that I brewed last year and found it interesting to look at the different styles and how many I brewed. I brewed 18 beers in total, 6 of them being pale ales of some description, and arguably one lager fermented at 17c.

1 x Brown Ale
2 x Porter
6 x Pale Ale (APA & NZPA)
1 x Hefe Weizen
1 x Belgian Pale Ale
1 x Blonde Ale
1 x American Wheat
1 x Fruit Beer (Raspberry Wheat)
1 x Spice/Herb/Veg (Coconut Porter)
1 x IPA
1 x Schwarzbier
1 x Stout

APA brewed for the WnBC. It was one of the last beers I brewed and I think my beers improved as the year progressed. One of the few beers that I've brewed that I would happily brew again without changing anything.

Hefe Weizen using WB-06

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Maybe the Northern 'burbanites should collaborate and do a Black IIIPA

We each chose an ingredient ?
haha, classic... You should, collaboration brews are great!!
something random

Oh, that was the rakau pale !
Any favourites in there jt?
The mild is a fav, good recipe courtesy of Stu.
Sometimes warm & flat if I have a traditionalist moment or sometimes I gas it up colder and it comes out as a tasty dark NZ Draught to tempt the far side of the family.
Holds it's own brewed at 1.036 or at 1.042 .. very versatile

The Hallertau Blande with late Motueka and Cascade was probably the keg that emptied quickest, it's on the to do again with the next bag of malt
English Old - always too roasty, but moderated as it matured
English Brown - very very tasty, and much enjoyed
Bohemian Pilsner - not good early on, but got somewhat better as it aged, but still not classed as a success
Best Bitter - my first use of WY1968. Wow, the malt just jumped out of the glass, gorgeous
Best Bitter - very good, but not quite up to the previous one
English Old - I used less Black than the first one, but still too much. It doesn't really need the Black malt.
APA - Enjoyable drink, with lots of Cascade character
Best Bitter - Used all Challenger hops with a very simple malt bill. I didn't enjoy it at all.
Ordinary Bitter - A Boddington style clone. Not one of my better ones.
APA - Still enjoying the last few bottles of this. Lots of Cascade flavour and aroma, but IBU is a little too low
Bohemian Pilsner - I finally nailed my first successful lager. Cold ferment and huge starter. Still enjoying this one hugely
Hefeweizen - I really nailed this one. I rate it my best brew ever. Really reminds me of Erdinger.
Best Bitter - It's an OK ale to drink, but nothing special
English Old - Haven't really touched this since I brewed it last October. The one I tried I enjoyed
Hefeweizen - Nice drink, but not as good as the earlier one I brewed.
Dunkelweizen - Had some serious stuff ups in the brewing process. It's OK to drink, but I need to do this again, and correctly

So, 2 or 3 failures, 3 cracking good brews, and the rest OK.
Allrighty heres my list!

1. Bitter
2. RyePA
3.Roggenbier = CS2 Beer, goddamn that WB06
4.Belgian Rye
5.Cascade AAA
7.Belgian Blonde
8.Nicoles Blande Ale
9.WBC Irish Red
10.Motueka Alt mk I
12.Rice APA
13.Pliny Clone
14.Old Ale
15.Munich/Amarillo SMaSH
16.Scotch Ale
17.American Brown
18.Amarillo Ordinary Mk I
19.Scottish 60/- = CS3 Beer
22.Unspeakable PA Mk IV
23.American Stout
24.Revileds Cream Ale Mk I
25.WBC IPA - 1st place winner :o)
26.Dark Best Bitter (almost a mild)
27.Summer Pils
28.Fathers Day Ale
30.WBC APA (drunk before the competition - woops)
31.Amarillo Ordinary Mk II
32.Revileds Cream Ale Mk II
33.English IPA with a twist
34.Little IPA = CS4 Beer
35. Sly Rye IPA
36.Red IPA
37.The passion of hop 2IPA
38.Summer Ale Mk I
39. Summer Ale Mk II
40.Motueka Alt Mk II
41. Cranberry Cream Ale / Hell Hopped Cream Ale
Top 3 would have to be the Pliny clone, my cream ale, and my WBC IPA

Worst 3 would be the Roggenbier, EKGalaxy, and probably the American Stout
Fucken Hell Tyler!!! Now thats Prolific!!!!
Haha, Its all about diversity mate ;o) lol - I was basically trying to get a feel for all of the different beer styles out there, I got ahold of the BJCP and went nuts haha

This year is more about perfecting my top 10 or so beers/styles that I really like!
Good Stuff keep pumping them out bro!!!!
Surely you would have done more than that in numbers??

Feels pretty cool knowing I brewed over a hectolitre in my garage last year ;o)


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