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Well I thought I would start a topic of the best beers of 2009, my list from 10th to 2009's most memorable most Inspirational and when I was drinking them I was just smiling from ear to ear!!

10) My Smoked Porter, Gold Medal @ NHC

9) Townshends No9 Stout @ Beervana

8) Epic Porter 2007?? or was it 06???

7) Rogue XS Stout 2006

6) MMMMft4CH (Me Joking and Tyler colabaration)

5) Green Flash IPA

4) Yakima Monster Batch 1

3) Pliny the Elder

2) Hallertau Porter Noir

1) 8 Wired HopWired
Has to beer the best beer of '09' not only because its that good its because 98% of its Kiwi!! but because it was raw!! Drinkable and a Shootgun of flavours I couldnt drink this beer enough!! Cheers Soren and long let Brian and Andy to continue to brew along their fantastic range!!!


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I was reminded of something that I'd totally forgotten about...

Emerson's Southern Clam Stout. Awesome beer. My favourite at beervana (not that I got to try many).
these beers are very much weighted to the latter end of the year... is that just a recent memory thing or did the best beers really come out late in the year?
my last comment came as I was thinking about this a lot.

So... I've been picking my beer of the week, every week this year... here's the list so far (almost halfway through the year believe it or not):

10/06 Mikkeller Sauvignon (@jedsoane, bottle)
03/06 Tuatara APA (Malthouse, tap)
27/05 Mountain Goat Surefoot Stout (Mountain Goat brewery, tap)
20/05 Rogue American Amber Ale (Hashigo Zake, tap)
13/05 White Cliffs Organic Ale (Regional Wines and Spirits, rigger)
06/05 Epic Oak-aged Armageddon (Malthouse, tap)
29/04 Galbraith's Bellringer's Best Bitter (Galbraith's Ale House, handpump)
22/04 Moa Resurrection (Marchfest, tap)
15/04 Flying Dog Ragin' Bitch (Hashigo Zake, bottle)
08/04 Green Flash 'Double' Stout (Beerstore.co.nz, bottle)
01/04 Mac's Brewjolais (Regionals + Bar Edward, conditioning tank rigger)
25/03 Rodenbach Grand Cru (2yo from Island Bay New World, bottle)
18/03 Emerson's Old 95 (Miramar New World, bottle)
11/03 Mata Wheat (Liquorland Beer Festival, tap)
04/03 Yeastie Boys PKB (Remix) (Malthouse, tap)
25/02 Townshend Cathcarts NTA (Ruakura Campus Club, handpump)
18/02 Emerson's JP 2009 (Regionals 2009, bottle)
11/02 Thornbridge Raven (@thornbridgekel, bottle)
04/02 Green Flash "Le Freak" (Grandmaster's mate, bottle)
28/01 Hogs Back "Santa's Wobble" (Rumble's, bottle)
21/01 Hallertau "Minimus" (Malthouse, tap)
14/01 8 Wired "Hopwired" (Regionals, bottle)
07/01 NZ Natural Brewing "Deliverance Dortmunder" (Hashigo, tap)

What's interesting is just how many lovely beers miss out every week. This week alone I have had the pleasure of some lovely beers that missed out... Fuller's Vintage, 8 Wired iStout, Mikkeller Barrel-aged 1000ibu. Then there are the homebrews and beers like Invercargill Sa!son that I couldn't really pick until I know it is being commercially released.
Wow thats awesome Stu, quite a few there that I havnt been lucky enough to try

Also quite a few big flavoursome beers in there
interesting balance between the "bland" and "bushwhacker" too... so i'm not just all about balanced beer, there's something unknown (an "x-factor") that is making me pick these beers each week.
this list is making me thirsty!


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