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Hi all, At Tahi we are looking to adjust our range a little over the summer and will probably add ten or twelve new products. I am keen for suggestions and recommendations. We will add Berrimans Cider. At present we have a large Harringtons range, Croucher Pale Ale and Pilsener, Most of the Emersons range, Mata Manuka and four of the Tuatara, Helles,pilsner,Porter & Pale ale and of course Leigh Sawmill Pilsener. We are investigating the possibilty of putting in two more taps so soon we will be able to offer a guest on tap to compliment the existing Hoffbrau range if we can turn it over quick enough due to the fact that it (kegs) are not refrigerated. The only thing I would add is that there is a price factor as we believe that there is a limit as to what customers here will pay for a bottle in an on licence situation.

I would love any feedback regarding this as I realise often I have fridges full of beers that I love & that isn't necessarily a good thing for others.
Cheers... Ian

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Epic and Renaissance!! My two fave NZ craftbreweries!!
So 330ml bottles preferred I imagine? If so, Invercargill Pitch for sure.
If 500ml is a goer then Three Boys would be my first pick on top of those listed.
Stu 500ml seems to sell well actually but some recent feedback on what our market can sustain puts an 11 to 12 dollars limit on retail price which isn't too bad but as we don't have a large selection of loss leading beers or other product I have to be careful on price point. The two breweries you mention are high on our radar too actually. We stocked Epic early on and for some weird reason it never moved which I always found strange as it was definitely one of the better beers in the range at the time but maybe it is time to revisit it. Renaissance is something I will look at. Keep em coming guys, this is a big help. Maybe looking at Peak Brewery in Masterton.
Hi Ian,
Captain Cooker manuka beer is now available in 330ml bottles if you're interested
I am interested Andrew.
Definitely Renaissance... beers have been tasting good, especially Perfection (the least talked about beer amongst the range but consistently my favourite these days... the Andrew Jones of beers).

and Tuatara... can't go wrong.
I think Epic (particularly the lager and pale ale) suffer badly from mainstream crossover. We (I'm speaking for myself, but have talked to enough others to know this view is common) beer geeks know and love the Epic beers, but we also know they're easily available everywhere, so we go for the rarer gems first. This can often mean that Epic doesn't get the love it has fought hard for. I guess we assume that "Epic has made it big now, it doesn't need our diehard support to do well", though I know from talking to Luke that his sales still feel to him like a drop in the ocean of Lion Nathan/DB sales.

Anyway... just my 2c.

I've still not been to your fine establishment - I live in Hamilton, and couldn't make the SOBA weekend visit - but it's on my list of things to do over the break. I'll try to bring a few mates. We'll see if we can empty that fridge out a bit for you. :)
Good point Greig.
The biggest problem for me in Wellington is that there is always something new on... and because I only ever really have two or three beers it is a rare occasion that I get a chance to drink an old favourite. I suppose I could forgo whatever is new on tap but it's just not my style - I want to try everything... you never know what you might learn from a beer until you've tried it.

Usually my best chances to revist 'old friends' like Epic and Emerson's are times I'm in restaurants, cafes or when I'm buying a bottle or two from a supermarket - or that very very rare time that I'm in a bar with a pretty minimalist beer selection.
Wanaka Beerworks Brewski gets my vote - I love this beer!
Biman Lager from Invercargill Brewery is great , The whole Three Boys is up there too, and like the others say Reaissance.
What a situation to be in Sooo many great beers so few taps and fridge space.
Ian - I've tried to email you - I'm sure we can help you with Mussel Inn, Invercargill, Renaissance, Three Boys et al
Check out our website and send me a note.

Samples were received today at Tahi.....


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