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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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just doughed in, sitting on 64c at the moment-
****10-Gallon Batch****
Batch Size: 11.00 gal
Boil Size: 13.69 gal
Estimated OG: 1.039 SG
Estimated Color: 3.9 SRM
Estimated IBU: 21.6 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.0 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

14.00 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)
1.25 lb Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM)
1.00 lb Caramel/Crystal Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM)
1.00 lb Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM)
0.50 oz Centennial [9.50%] (55 min)
0.50 oz Centennial [9.50%] (35 min)
0.50 oz Cascade [7.80%] (20 min)
0.50 oz Cascade [7.80%] (5 min)
1 Pkgs so-5 (Hydrated)

if it goes well and i'm up for brewing again tomorrow i 'll do this-

0.96 kg. White Wheat Malt info
1.92 kg. Belgian Pils info
0.48 kg. Munich Malt info
4.55 kg. Wheat Flaked info
0.24 kg. Oats Flaked info
29 g. East Kent Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
29 g. East Kent Goldings (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
29 g. Czech Saaz (Pellets, 5.00 %AA) boiled 5 min. info
1.59 ounces Bitter Orange Peel (not included in calculations)
2.64 teaspoons Crushed Corriander seeds (not included in calculations)
2.11 pounds Rice Hulls (not included in calculations)
Yeast : 34/70 i think?

orphans xmas at my house this year, hopefully these 2 will keep the crowds happy;)
T58 would probably work quite well in that wit if you can get some.
actually, i just rechecked my order, wb-o6 is what i ordered, if the courier doesn't arrive today it'll have to wait until next week though!
i'll remember t58 for the next wit though, cheers!
pretty smooth brewday all in all until i got to the chilling, it was hanging around 40c for ages, checked the temp of the water coming out of the immersion chiller, also 40c, felt the temp of the water and there is no way its 40c,seems i have a thermometer issue, will now have to wait for the missus to bring her thermometer home from work to see if i can pitch the yeast! i mashed at 65c, i only only hope the thermometer was accurate in that range otherwise god knows what i actually mashed at. a few calibration experiments later will hopefully reveal all..........
calibration done, 20c took sample, added yeast got 1045, aiming for 1039 but my thermometer is way out,65c on my thermometer turns out to be 54c on an accurate one! i'm a wee bit annoyed as i've only used it a couple of times and paid almost $50 for it from mitre 10 and i don't think i have the receipt anymore:(

i've obviously extracted something with a reading of 1045 but how will it affect the final beer?
Brewing my CBC and/or CS entry this morning

90.5% Gladfields Pale
8.5% Pale Crystal
Total of 40IBU of Nelson Sauvin and Willamette @ 60,30,15, 5,0

Good day for brewing down here.
i'm thinking of making an amarillo smash, about 8 kg of golden promise and several additions of amarillo.
would g.p and amarillo make for a good smash?
what hop additions would you make?
i have 200g to play with and i want to end up with about 40 litres.

cheers in advance
Funny you mention this, even though I told myself never to do another smash I was thinking last night that I should do a GP and Amarillo or Centennial smash, if I do do it I'll go with Cent I think.

I'd go 67 - 68C mash, 1.045 - 1.055, 40 - 60 IBU, maybe 1g/L at 30, 15, 0, and dry hop.

All depends what you're after really.
DG, why wouldn't you want to do another smash? Are they too simple, or not tasty? I only ask since I have never done one before.
They make beer at the end of the day which is all good.

But I always find they're just a little lacking, once you're halfway through the batch they just get a touch boring and seem to be missing something. But I still think it's a good way to learn a malt and a hop and what it does.

But I'm sure there's combos that would work - I just haven't found them yet, eg pilsners are basically SMaSHs.
i'm not too sure what i'm after to be honest, i'm pretty new to all grain and so far i've just been following recipes, i've been reading that smash brewing is a good way to learn what the various ingredients are doing so i figured i might try a few different ones over the next few months.
so i suppose i'm looking for a recipe thats going to allow a bit of learning as well as drinking!
Ive only done one smash and it was amarillo and global munich, it was awesome!! Amarillo will give you lots of mandarin citrus, especially if youre heavy handed.. Golden Promise is a great malt, but it may be a little bit thin by itself, but thats not to say you wont like it and it is a great way to learn!!


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