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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Nah - just toasty... like a piece of unbuttered brown toasted bread. Biscutty like those big round "Digestive" biscuts. Toasty. Buscitty.

Not sweet. Especially not with US-05.
Thank you Joking and James P. :)
Biscutty isn't sweet, more like a superwine / roundwine biscuit, not a mallow puff!
Going to brew this in the weekend.
Aiming for an easy drinking summer ale
3-to-1 Summer Ale
OG 1.052
IBU 37

9kg Marris Otter (69%)
3kg Pilsner (23%)
1kg Wheat Malt (8%)

60 min boil
70g Willamette 60min
10g Cascade 60min
10g Willamette 30min
30g Cascade 30min
10g Willamette 10min
30g Cascade 10min
10g Willamette 0min
30g Cascade 0min

US05 yeast
Splitting batch into 2 fermenters, and thinking of adding a bottle of Benger Gold Apricot Juice to one? Just want a slight 'hint' of apricot?

Would greatly appreciate any comments/suggestions

I wouldnt add apricot juice personally, you can get apricot from a careful selection of hops and us05 fermented warm, im trying to remember what beer I brewed that had a nice apricot aroma, and I think it was Tony from AHB's "Sheep Shagger" recipe, but dont quote me on that..
cheers, adding apricot is actually a symbolic gesture, as im brewing the beer for the wifes family reunion (their grandfather owned an apricot orchard in the Cromwell Gorge)
I dont want heaps of apricot flavour/aroma, just hinting at it.
Has anyone used fruit juice? i figured it was the easiest and less likely to contaminate the beer?
As with anything you add to the fermenter you'd want to make sure it's sterile - if it was me I'd give it a quick (5min) boil and then cool before adding it, just to make sure you don't introduce any infection.
cheers for the advice, i have read on their (Bengar Gold) website, that the juice is pasturised b4 bottling and they bottle it 'hot' to sterilise the bottle & cap. The other option might me to add at end of the boil?
Adding juice or fruit tends to 'water' down the beer as well so make it a bit bigger and aim for a more fuller body in the base beer than you usually would.

Or you could get some of this and add to taste at bottling/kegging.
Would you use a higher mash temp to give a 'fuller' body? or maybe add some carapills?
I want the beer to be reasonably crisp and dry, but def not thin.
Thanks for the help.
Either will work, I'd probably just bump the mash temp up a degree, maybe two if it's a lot of fruit going in but sounds like you're only adding a bit.
I did an imperial stout quite a few months ago and had another taste last night ... it's been in the bottle for a good 7 months ... however I'm still getting a pronounced "burnt" coffee flavour ... what of the bill below is causing it do you think?

8.00 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (3.0 SRM) Grain 85.11 %
0.80 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM) Grain 8.51 %
0.40 kg Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM) Grain 4.26 %
0.10 kg Black (Patent) Malt (500.0 SRM) Grain 1.06 %
0.10 kg Chocolate Malt (450.0 SRM) Grain 1.06 %


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