I went down to Regional's for my quiet Friday beer and picked up a Peak Monkey Point IPA. It's completely flat and tastes like sweet pineapple ester. Is it supposed to be like this or did I get a bad one? I've heard they have quality control issues. I'm not liking this at all.
Just had a sample of my US hopped red, it seems to have stopped at 1020, which is cool cos I mashed high to counter the bucket loads of chinook and columbus I put in at 90 mins, and again at 30, even with all the residual sugar its extremely bitter, came out at around 140 IBUs apparantly, and its got that savage lingering chinook bitterness about it...
At this stage I cant say I can smell much of the 90gms of cascade and amarillo hops I put in at 0mins tho
Well after mowing and weed whacking all day in the hot sun, sitting down with a jug of cream ale Mk II is about as perfect as it gets right now! Im loving this version alot more than the first, I added a small dry hop addition and used simcoe instead of cascade with amarillo and it has an ever so subtle passionfruit and mandarin thing going on with a clean malt flavour... Its sooooo dry as well, SG 1007, leaves me begging for another sip :o) yum!! Here she is after 2 weeks in the keg
US-05 - this has got to be the best overall yeast I reckon - this beer accidentally crept up to 26*c when fermenting and its still clean as, probably wouldnt be if it was higher grav, but still, its such a hardy yeast!
Just found out I'm expected to be the beer supplier for Xmas day with some family coming over from Canada. Looks like this might be the go for them and I'll do a big ol' dirty IPA for myself :-D
It's a while off but will let you know how it goes.