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Motueka it is... 60 and 15min only.
Crushed the grain for tomorrows mini batch (11litres) to use up some S05 and dark malts I had lying around and because I want to brew an old favourite.

Black Francis Mk III

Fermentables - NZ Pale, Munich, Melanoiden, Pale Choc, Carafa II, Black
Hops - Liberal use of Colombus throughout the boil with lots of late hopping.
Yeast - S05
OG 1.063, 58IBU 28SRM
Columbus is the business in dark beers I reckon.
I've not really used it for anything other than a bittering hop but thought I'd see what it does as a SH.
Hopefully it'll taste like the business in the BF 3
Ah don't waste it as a bittering hop :-P

It'll work well I reckon, worked great in my American Stout.

Citrus and spicy, kinda like NZ Cascade or crack.
I agree as a single hop in a dark beer its awesome, gives it that sort of different ness about it without being overly fruity! SHould be nice Ally!!
Or almost a single hop, a touch (read: TOUCH) of sauvin to go with it is kinda like salting food, just makes the dominant hop pop a little more.

Gotta thank Stu for that idea.
ha ha... i couldn't help myself with my ordinary and "salted" with a TOUCH of Sauvin at 5min (.3g/L).

Busy day. Chopped down and poisoned a large area of gorse and broom. Bottled my donkey Oatie clone, tastes awesome, good recipe Martin.

just about to add the hops to my weizen. Fairly stress free, unadventurous fare.
50/50 wheat pils
3068 yeast.

Brewing a pilot batch of a Biere de Garde for Peak next weekend using the 3711 yeast.

Right time for a beer. Blanche de Bambule, tasting fairly decent.
Glad the Oatie is tasting good. Give it a little time to settle down and the silkiness will really come through.

After tasting the Pelican Bridal Ale yesterday I have a desire to brew a Biere de Garde. I have some 3711, though that was planned for a Saison. I may have to recover some and save some for a BdG. I'd be interested in hearing your recipe mate.

I haven't brewed for what seems like ages, but there's a version of Greig's Saxby's Ordinary Bitter going on tomorrow.
Actually I should have put a bottle in plastic to send up for you but its all in glass now. If your heading to Wellington in the short term I'll put one aside otherwise maybe I could give one to joking to take up to auckland if he's heading that way.... Yes it tasted quite silky mid ferment but at the end the roast was dominating. I got it too 1.014 which is probably not to bad for 1968.

Not sure on the Bier de garde mix just yet, leaving that to Rhys @ Peak but safe to say it will be pilsner/vienna/munich.wheat with a proportion of sugar to get the gravity up with Styrians. I'm really happy with the 3711, down to 1.006/7 each time I;ve use it with no effort without tasting too thin either. Brewed a sasion and a wit with it ok, so seems to be fairly versatile.


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