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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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It may well end up being my case swap beer so you might just get get that taste!
How big is your kettle Dale?
About 60L
Nice, I need to have some work done on my keggle, or get around to cutting up the HWC! :)
I did the below the other week and was surprised at the smoked flavour that came through for such a small amount added. In bottles now but recon the smoke flavour will blend in really well.

3.80 kg ..Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (Bairds) (3.1 SRM) Grain 77.34 %
0.35 kg .Crystal, Medium (Bairds) (76.1 SRM) Grain 7.12 %
0.30 kg .Chocolate Malt (Bairds) (350.0 SRM) Grain 6.11 %
0.20 kg .Munich I (Weyermann) (8.1 SRM) Grain 4.07 %
0.12 kg .Smoked Malt (Weyermann) (2.8 SRM) Grain 2.51 %
0.08 kg .Roasted Barley (Bairds) (300.0 SRM) Grain 1.63 %
0.06 kg .Black Malt (Bairds) (500.0 SRM) Grain 1.22 %
The wee heavy started at 1.079 and finished at 1.016, so started higher and finished lower than I was expecting. By my calc that makes it 8.3% alc. I kegged this yesterday and had a taste, not sure what to think really. The peat flavour is actually quite nice (at least in small doses) but the alchohol is quite prominent both in the aroma and the flavour, I hope that mellows with age its a bit rough right now. Was thinking about putting this into the next case swap but maybe i'll leave it till the one after this!
I think any noticable alcohol should mellow with age, but is it possible that the phenolics from the peated malt is clouding your judgement? Good on you for having enough cajones to test that amount of peat malt in a brew. I wouldn't mind having a taste of this to see how intense it is.

It should definately mellow out dale, I agree with jo that the peat phenols could be confusing you! Id give it at least a month or three before tasting it again, you wont regret it if you do leave it that long!

I dont mind ageing my bottle if it does go into the case swap ;o)
Ok, if it is at all drinkable i'll put it in the case swap but 750 ml will be alot to get through. Maybe share it with someone, possibly someone you don't like very much ;-)
I'll try and remember to bring some to the Welly brewers conference in Feb so Joking can have a taste.
Keen for some thoughts/advice on my malt bill for a Red IPA or American Amber, ill be hopping this to at least 60 IBU's or more - Im gonna call it Drop Dead Hopped Red ;o) Im starting to enjoy naming beers lately haha

79% Kolsch Malt
8% Vienna
4% Cara Red
4% Dark Crystal
3% Cara Aroma
2% Melanoiden - Might drop to 1% - Main reason its here is cos I dont have munich, so ive subbed munich with vienna and am thinking the melanoiden will make the beer feel like it still has Munich in it?? Might be wrong here...

Cheers :o)
Mmm that looks tasty, what are you hopping it with?

I really like Melanoiden, I'd just about put it in everything ;-) Will it get a little bit lost at only 1%?
Ill be hopping with columbus, simcoe and cascade, and maybe some amarillo...

Melanoiden definately wont get lost at 1 or 2 %, its a ballsy malt that sticks out, it wont be in your face, but it will be there to add to the richness of it all :o)


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