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Hi everyone, I have been lurking for a while on this site so I though I'd better create an account and get posting!

I returned fairly recently from 4 years living in the UK, doing a lot of travelling around the UK and Europe and drinking lots of different beers and I am now trying to get set up for home brewing. Money is tight so I am gradually getting the equipment together for BIAB. I have a 41L aluminuim pot and I am wondering if I will be able to do 23L batches without over-filling the pot. How do I work out how much water to use at the start, and is there a formula for how much water the grain displaces?

Also, I am looking for copper pipe on Trademe and I have seen some 15m rolls of 12.7mmOD pipe, is this a good size for an immersion chiller?

For the thermometer, should I go for a digital one or just one of those long metal ones that are used in the food industry?

Finally, what is the cheapest way to get a fermenter? Can I just get a 30L food-safe bucket with a lid and add my own airlock etc? Or will it not work out much cheaper than buying one that already has all the accesories?

I already have 3 dozen swappa crate bottles so I will be looking for a capper soon as well.

Sorry for all the questions - hopefully I will eventually learn enough to srart helping other learners like me!


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So you run liberty now?. Are you goin to be doin that from Wellington? That pot looks sweet as. I'll take one haha
Can we advertise here for you? ;o)
Yipee Ki Yea Liver!!! Cirrhoses here I come!!!!!!
as excessive drinking leads to stomach cancer and cirrhoses of the liver.
Surely that is only if you drink shit beer.....
Cool, just bought 15m of that copper from the guy in Palmy for $69 delivered. Gonna hit payless plastics and spotlight this weekend for a jerry can and some swiss voille. Then I just need a hydrometer and a thermometer and a burner and I am all set :)
Way to go Patrick! To add to your list, (as a recent beginner myself), I can't recommend enough getting a copy of Palmers 'How to Brew' - its available at fishpond.co.nz for about $45. There is also a free version online, but nothing beats a hardcopy IMO! Mine is already dog-eared from use..... Also Starsan for sanitation, its so easy.....
With the exchange rate as it is at the moment I would look at betterworldbooks.com if you have a credit card.

$20 USD inc shipping ($26 NZD approx)
Thats cheap! I wonder if that is where fishpond get theirs from?... I just checked Amazon and they have it on special too, but not quite as cheap as that.
I'm sure there is a discount coupon ptk0809 that will work for 10% off the book cost also! :)
Check the price at brewingnetwork.com, I dunno if it's cheaper but those guys deserve your money ;-), and you can get it signed for extra balla status haha.
So today I went to Payless Plastic for a jerry can, the biggest they had was 20L, does anyone know where I can get a 30L one? Also, i got 2 metres of white swiss voile from Spotlight. What designs are you guys using? Do you cut a circle slightly bigger than the base of the pot, then sew a cylinder of fabric to it? Or do you just fold the fabric over and sew seams along the bottom and up the side? There seems to be a few schools of thouht on this. I bought some nylon thread and some cord for a drawstring also. Cheers!
I went with the circle and cylinder approach, the wort drains well in the centre and not out the sides. Makes it easy for when I transfer to my bucket to sparge. I also double stitched all the seams, 6 brews in and she's holding strong.


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