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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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You're doing well. Mine got slurped up by thirsty friends ages ago. I miss it. *sniff*.
Wheres the Sugar im sure thay had it in there? Yeah he is lucky enough to have some left, Mine went ages ago also but then again the floor drunk more of mine than me!!
Nope, pretty sure there was no sugar. I deleted the show a while back after transcribing it though, and haven't been back to listen, so I could be wrong.
This is what they posted on the TBN forums after the show. No sugar:

Green Flash West Coast IPA

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (Gal): 6.00 Wort Size (Gal): 6.00
Total Grain (Lbs): 16.63
Anticipated OG: 1.069 Plato: 16.84
Anticipated SRM: 8.8
Anticipated IBU: 93.0
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Formulas Used
Brewhouse Efficiency and Predicted Gravity based on Method #1, Potential Used.
Final Gravity Calculation Based on Points.
Hard Value of Sucrose applied. Value for recipe: 46.2100 ppppg
Yield Type used in Gravity Prediction: Fine Grind Dry Basis.

Color Formula Used: Morey
Hop IBU Formula Used: Rager

Additional Utilization Used For Plug Hops: 2 %
Additional Utilization Used For Pellet Hops: 10 %

% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
84.2 14.00 lbs. Pale Malt(2-row) America 1.036 2
7.9 1.31 lbs. Crystal 40L America 1.034 40
7.9 1.31 lbs. Cara-Pils Dextrine Malt 1.033 2

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
0.50 oz. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 24.5 90 min.
0.25 oz. Columbus Pellet 14.00 13.1 60 min.
0.25 oz. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 11.1 60 min.
0.25 oz. Columbus Pellet 14.00 6.7 30 min.
0.25 oz. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 5.7 30 min.
0.75 oz. Columbus Pellet 14.00 10.5 15 min.
0.75 oz. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 8.9 15 min.
1.00 oz. Cascade Pellet 5.75 4.3 10 min.
0.50 oz. Columbus Pellet 14.00 4.4 1 min.
0.50 oz. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 3.7 1 min.
0.50 oz. Amarillo Pellet 7.50 0.0 Dry Hop
0.50 oz. Centennial Pellet 10.50 0.0 Dry Hop
0.50 oz. Columbus Pellet 14.00 0.0 Dry Hop
0.50 oz. Simcoe Pellet 11.90 0.0 Dry Hop
** Special optional addition section. Listen to the show :lol:
0.20 oz. Cascade Pellet 5.75 4.3 Dry Hop
6# rubber stopper Dry Hop

White Labs WLP001 California Ale

Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Single Step

Grain Lbs: 16.63
Water Qts: 20.78 - Before Additional Infusions
Water Gal: 5.20 - Before Additional Infusions

Qts Water Per Lbs Grain: 1.25 - Before Additional Infusions

Saccharification Rest Temp : 152 Time: 35
Mash-out Rest Temp : 165 Time: 15
Sparge Temp : 170 Time: 45

Total Mash Volume Gal: 6.53 - Dough-In Infusion Only

Actual OG: 1.070 Actual FG: 1.015
2 Vials of White Labs WLP001 California Ale yeast grown up on a 1.035 2 liter stir plate starter for approximately 16 hours before pitching.

Pitched at 68F. Allowed it to rise during the natural heat created during fermentation up to 70F.
Fermented in 6 gallon carboy. Fermented 7 days before dry hopping.
Not transferred or yeast not removed before dry hopping.
Dry hopped for 7 days at 64F. Agitated the dry hop every other day.

I added enough Gypsum to get my water up to approximately 50ppm Calcium, Chuck's starting with 60-70ppm Calcium in Vista, CA (I said 100 on the show, it's actually 60-70), and might be hitting at least 100ppm Calcium in the finished beer. The water in Vista, CA in North San Diego county is pretty hard. See the 2007 water report for that area here:http://www.vid-h2o.org/pdf/publication/CCR_2007.pdf

This homebrew recipe turned out just fantastic, I'd say it was totally cloned. We tapped 5 gallons in the studio on Monday, and I'd say at this rate the keg won't last much longer. :aaron

Potential recipe improvements: Accentuate bitterness in the finish a bit more with water adjustments and/or hit about 35IBU at 90 minutes instead of 25. I would do 25IBU of Simcoe and 10IBU of Columbus there instead of just Simcoe. Also don't be afraid to calculate this recipe out to 105-110IBU. Use Carastan 30-70 if you can instead of Crystal 40L.

Brew it up and enjoy.
A day off today so I didn't feel too guilty about having a few pints last night.
Started with the Hallertau / cascade / motueka not so blande. Nowhere near Blonde, but sweet enough with 5% caramalt to be a nice hoppy NZ Draught. After thinking back to the rigger of Sunshine Brewery's reserve ale I had a few moths ago, I might have to investigate this style a bit further for a good summer quaffer (if we ever get through this cold snap, into spring and out the other side)
Next a cascade ale, followed by the styrian ale with '05. Having trouble with this keg or tap, very foamy.

cheers, jt
Last night was the first ever "handpump" night at The Old Bank (Redwoodtown, Blenheim). Despite some issues with wastage and the beer's clarity following a damaged keystone, the single (22 litre) cask of Cathcarts NTA lasted just 45 minutes!

Most of the 'real ale' virgins I spoke to seemed to be enjoying their first experience of cask conditioned ale.

Big thanks to...
- Martin Townshend for brewing and supplying the beer
- Graeme Mahy for delivering and stillaging the cask and loaning and installing the handpump
- Lance Dodd (editor, The Marlborough Express), not only for attending, but also for sending along one of his reporters to cover the event
- Mike Pink for having the vision to run the evening

Chatting with Mike at the end of the evening revealed he is already considering running another handpump night in the not too distant future.

Go Marlborough!
Just had an Emerson's BeWITched. Wow! Awesome beer. Loved the passionfruit, peach, basically fruit salad flavour - not to mention the rather warming 8% ABV!! Perfect for a cold, wet welly day.

Tuatara Pils was tasting excellent too.
My Old Ale thats been sitting in a keg for the last 4 months aging, Its Okay but is a bit of a Brett bomb its going down the line of a Flemish Brown I was going to bottle it to make way for my Double IPA I have ready to keg maybee I should chuck in the oak chips that I chucked in a 100% brett starter I made and see what happens in the next 6-12 months??. Only Problem is then I have no keg to put my 2IPA in!! what to do??? what to do???? Any one got a spare keg?? in exchange for beer??? Jeppers Just read about how I made it 69deg mash 12% Infermentables 85% Apparent attenuation!! Man those Brett boys will eat every thing!!
Townshend No. 9 Stout at The Malthouse. Superb. Simple but complex. Has a great weight to it but is very drinkable and punches well above 4%.
Yeastie Boys His Majesty

Awesome. Simply awesome. Pungent citrus-fruity and floral nose with a touch of spice. Nicely bitter but not shit-rippingly bitter either which is a nice change.

Also mad props on the label too, really nice. One of the better beer labels I've seen lately.
I had another one yesterday too. It looked good in the beer fridge at Central Wines & Spirits.
Having a quiet night at home with my beers tonight.

Just finished an Orval, top notch, awesome yeasty/bacterial fruitness, into a powdery bitter-dry finish.

Drinking the Corsendonk brown/dubbel/bruin thing now. Aroma is like roasty apple pie cinnamon or something, but a touch too subtle and a little lacking. Flavour is like spicy choc raisins and a little yeasty. Something in there is like citrus rind without the citrus and astringent bitterness if that makes sense haha. A little metallic too which seems to be fading as I get through the glass but knocks it back a few points for me.


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