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It's never too early to start creating a Christmas wishlist :)

For me it's -

- 1 short weldless thermometers
- 1 long weldless thermometer
- 1 march pump
- 8m heavy duty silicon hosing
- 2 corny kegs, with new o-rings fitted
- 10m Valpar beer line
- 3 quick disconnects
- step drill bit (cause I still haven't fitted my weldless ballvalves)
- Tempmate
- Chest Freezer

Easy! :)

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Oooh, dont get me started, my bday is coming up 1st and ive allready been pondering :o)

Im thinking, I want MORE HOPS, ill be getting some US varietys of course, but also wanted to do more english ales and have more hop variety, so im looking at

180g EKG, 180g Fuggles, 90g Target, 180g Challenger

Also more kegs are allways wanted

And Simcoe, Chinook, Columbus etc etc :o)
180g EKG, 180g Fuggles, 90g Target, 180g Challenger

Ho ho ho Merry Christmas, I thought hops came in kg bags, please wish again!
What!!! You don't order by the tonne????
lol, not allways that easy unfortunately ;o( Plus as opposed to getting a kilo of one or two varietys, id much rather have a wide range :o)
Yep, mine includes most of that, however i do have a step drill bit if you want to borrow it. They are definitely not cheap, and it could do with a bit of use :o).
Yeah, I'd definitely be keen, thanks heaps! Perhaps a bottle or two of homebrew for swaps? Heading to the US on Saturday, so probably get it off you when I get back, if that's ok?
Not a problem. Homebrew swap sounds like a good payment to me :o)
You haven't tasted my homebrew yet ;)
Don't give into the commercialism that is Christmas... buy your stuff anytime you like! :)
I'm with you on that James, but it does take away some of the special nature of Christmas. And anyway, wasn't it St. John who said "And there shall come a great profit throughout the land".
A double garage and custom-built brewery that [just] fits inside it.


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