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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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Have a look at this, might provide some clues?
Pram soil should be fine just add lots of compost etc Im in Titahi Bay and I get the whole salt spattering thing to! doesnt affect my hops.
They do need a little shelter from strong winds but you would be suprised what they will handle.
Definatley not to late to plant out though!

Cheers Chris
Wooohoo! Went outside this morning and I notice that ive got two shoots coming out of the ground ;o) Theyre not dead after all! Also got a third one just starting out.. Might even get some flowers this year!
I've only got shoots too, didn't some of the south-of-the-bombay-ers say they already had like 30cm growth?

Must be the shitty AK weather. Where's the sun at yo?
I'm sure they'll take off like mad now. I thought my bine was dead as well, but there's about 5 shoots, 30cm to 60cm.
Yes I have shoots on mine now too. And they're on Waiheke, which is the growing capital of the universe (if you know what I mean?). ;)

Thanks Toast. I'll send you some flowers, when it eventually gets that far.
My Smoothcone is about 1200mm high on the two main shoots (bines), and Danscade about 500mm with four shoots. Remember to keep the number of shoots to about 2 or 3 so they get all the goodness. I have harvested a few of the shoots and clonexed them into pots... looking good!

If you buy some potting mix and clonex you can harvest the additional shoots and have more plants to share around!
My Danscade have still not above ground , I think I may have planted them abit to deep, I read somewhere to plant them 6 inch deep, must have been american advice, probably to deep. Bit of a shame after Herr schnappe took the trouble to send them to me ( cheers bro!). The postie did say they got caught up in the machinery at the post office! as they had leaked and the whole envelope was wet, but they looked ok to me so I planted them anyway.
Oh well my Sticklebract are doing very well, over 1 m high now.
Shouldn't matter if it's down deep mate.

After I removed and relocated my rhizome/crown I dug up, chopped, hacked and totally destroyed anything that was in that soil...low and behold next season rolls around and I have a couple of sprouts there, I loosely dig around them and follow the roots down to the source, ended up being like 20 - 30 cm underground growing from some small bits of rhizome or branch or something.
Hey guys, hows the hops going? I have three main shoots that are doing really well and are now sprouting new shoots from where the leaves are (nodal shoots?). What do people do with these? Take them off and clonex, leave alone or a bit of both? Its going a bit crazy! I recommend the liquid fertiliser that they sell at Switched-On Gardener (sorry don't remember what its called but can find out).
You can clonex them if you want, I've done it before (but with some organic 'clonex' type stuff) and it worked well. I wouldn't take all of them off at the moment though, but a nipping a few would be fine.
My two main shoots are at about 10 feet and sprouting these smaller ones off the laterals. I think this is where the actual flowers will grow? A third shoot popped up out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago and has taken off. Already a half meter in length.
I've been using worm weez recently (from my worm farm) and soaking the ground where the roots are. They're lovin' it. Must be growing at least 5cm a day at the moment. (Tomatoes also love the weez)


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