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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Finally got hold of a bottle of His Majesty last night. I almost drowned in it. Had to share it with my flat-mate. He said it was too bitter and I called him a cretin. Just as tasty as I remember from beervana. Awesome.
Dylan, can't believe you wasted hops on that waster ;-)
Thanks for the props.
I'm just trying to spread the word about good beers. Too bad if it falls on deaf ears. It won't happen again. I'll just have to drink the next bottle all by myself!
Good things take time... and some people come around, while others never do.
For dinner tonight
Tuatara helles
Cantillion Kriek
St Bernardus Wit
Green Flash West Coast IPA
St Sylvestre 3 monts
North Coast Old Rasputin Imperial Rusian Stout.

Hard to pick a winner, all amazing beers, if I was trying to convince someone to break their Steinlager habit, I'd give them a Tuatara Helles. Green Flash IPA, like being stuck in a hop sack with no way out. Old Rasputin, wow, what a beer. Was the match of the night, we had it with creme brulee which sounds all wrong but it was amazing. Old Rasputin is so rich and malty, overflowing with toffee. perfect. Not a rough edge on it.
Just had my first bottle of Smoking Bishop, wow is all I can say.
I love that beer. Not so full on as the German Rauchbiers but still multi-faceted and delicious.

Just sipping on my American IPA from the WBC. It's still tasting good. Promising myself a drop of Hallertau Porter Noir with the cheese after dinner tonight.
porter noir is awesome! what sort of cheese

Bambule - Damn nice line up there!!

Im just finishing of my CAP trying to get rid of it to make way for my APA, fully craving some hops... Also, nottingham hasnt dropped out of my EKGalaxy and Amarillo ordinary yet, so i dont have much variety atm :o(
Also, nottingham hasnt dropped out of my EKGalaxy and Amarillo ordinary yet, so i dont have much variety atm :o(

How long has it taken, that's supposed to drop like cement ... gervin - supposedly the same did for me


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