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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Yum, that looks awesome ;o)
That Brown ale I left at your house that time we did the case swap - was this recipe.

Got me a silver medal too.
I thort you had some simcoe in there??
Nah bro, but instead of straight Cent dry hop I used 54g Amarillo and 17g Cent.

Oh and I used 1272 instead of 1056.

Same diff :-P
If I'd got my shit together in time I would have made a starter with that old pack of 1272 I've got in the fridge. Will have to use that for the APA now.
So howd the brew go Martin?? Bet your shed smells great about now ;o)
Shed smells great bro! Missed my pre-boil gravity by 10 points though, so God knows what went wrong there. All I can think is that my sparge was too quick. I haven't really changed my mashing setup, so I'm a bit bemused as to why this has changed so much.

Relaxing with an American IPA now.
10 points?? Do you think it couldve been the big grist?? Or maybe its those few grains stuck under the tape ;o)
Yeah, those last few grains musta had the missing 10 points! Really not sure what went wrong - I'll pay closer attention next time up
Working on a clone recipe for Bob Hudson's Bitter from Gals.

Talked to Keith there and showed him my recipe and he gave me a few pointers. This is where I'm at for the first run.

93% Golden Promise
5% Pale crystal
2% Carahell (originally planned to use caramalt but I was all out)

1.043 - 69C mash

Styrian and EKG @ 60
0.5g/L EKG @ 45
0.5g/L EKG @ 30
0.5g/l NZ Styrian @ 15 (Again planned on using the imported one but couldn't get any on short notice)
0.5g/l NZ Styran @ 0

25 IBU

Bob Hudson's yeast donated by Keith.

Fingers crossed it will come out well, I'm hoping it will make a good summer slammer.
Go the 30 minute addition !

2% Carahell (originally planned to use caramalt but I was all out)

I used some carahell a few years back when Mike was specialling weyermanns, loved it. Especially good in a dodgy W2112 lager or blonde ...
Yeah, this was bugger all, like 80g or something, so I dunno what it will add, probably not much haha.


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