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I have a question as to when, how and how much hops I should use to dry hop a pils.

I had planed on putting in a hop sock in the secondary at 3/4 attenuation with 56 grams of NZ Hallertauer.

Is this too much / wrong for the pils style / wrong method etc.



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I got 2 small tea strainers - or a small stainless seive... then wired them together with some steel out of a twisty tie.

Only fill one of the seives though... the hops swell HEAPS!
They might sell them at 'Body Shop' type places - people put stuff like lavender in them for putting in the bath. Two meshy things hinged together with a little latch, attached to a small chain or string. Probably called 'teabags'. (I only know 'cos we were given one with some lavender bath stuff a couple of years back for a Christmas present - you know the type of present - supposed to be a gift for you 'both' but its really for your wife - why don't you ever get given some tools or beer or brewing equipment or something like that for you 'both' ;-)
And here they are at craftbrewer.....
Found this big boy at Moore Wilson's when I was down at Beervana. If your a hophead you can pack a few more in this puppy.
Jumbo Infuser!? Awesome... that's your nickname now Craig.
Jumbo Infuser?? sounds like my stomach on a Sat night
Craig that is awesome! I want me one of those :o)


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