Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!
Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?
I've got 3 shoots on the original rhizome of my NZ Smoothcone. longest about 100mm long with leaves. And one shoot that appears to be coming out of the ground about 10mm away.
My Smoothcone is about 100mm too BUT my 3 Mystery German are at the top of 6 foot stakes now!
Im sure this time last year they where 6 inches!
How many shoots are other people restricting to im going for six but its hard to prune when it looks so healthy!
Permalink Reply by jamis on September 8, 2009 at 11:18pm
I think 2-3 shoots is recommended. My Sticklebract has two main shoots about 1/2 meter long now. My Smoothcone is just starting to bud. My Cascade rhizomes I got from Herrscnhapps are not showing themselved yet.
Just joined as I found the site whilst looking for somewhere to buy some hop plants to grow myself. Having read through this thread, it looks like I should have no problem growing them, (I'm at Paraparaumu Beach where the soil is very sandy, and I would be able to plant them in a sunny spot). My worry would be salt as when there is a strong westerly wind the upstairs house windows get spattered with salt from the sea. Frosts are rare though.
From what people have said on this thread, I may be too late to plant this year, any thoughts on that?
If not, has anyone actually managed to buy hop rhizomes from any of the people mentioned above?
Or, does anyone in the Wellington region have any spare?
Permalink Reply by Toot on October 1, 2009 at 8:18am
Theres a guy on trademe that sometimes sells them. Three varietys I think, Smoothcone, Golden Hop and some German variety. Hes selling potted plants at the mo
I bought mine from Neville back in April for around $16 as I recall. I see his starting bid this time was $29, I guess prices go up during the planting season.