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Just saw an ad for this show starting on Prime next Sunday.
Looks quite interesting

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Nah thats easy as hell with a big flocking english yeast!! Ferment for 6 days crash cool over night and shake n bake in the keg the next day grain to brain in seven days!!
Can we get a yeast like that on this side of the Empire? I think a 7 day brew might be a right laugh to try.
It not a Laugh man i done it, no visable faults just tasted a touch better with a week on it but thats all, the Yeast is SO4 put it in 0 deg and it drops out over night!!
That's the next one then. How's it with SO5? I think I have a couple of packets in the fridge.
S05 an Extra day or to more so to chuck in some post boil finnings so it some what clear I would give that 7 firm no earlyier!!
Yeah ive had S-04 ferment out in about 3 days, in the keg on day 5 and drinking day 6 :o) Not that im a fan of S-04, but it is a hungry bastard!
I'm going to be having the beer bath at the same place (Chodova) next week!

That might make you jealous, or it might not...
May your manhood tingle with delight. In the most un-homosexual way. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Paul Mercurio on Close Up in a few minutes, I'm picking he's only there to talk about one thing!
If you picked they'd talk about Paul Mercurio you'd be right! Not alot about beer - disappointed.
Seems like they deliberately obscured the labels of the beer they drank as well, quite happy to plug Logan Brown though? I'm sure Paul would have talked beer I guess closeup edited it out because it wasn't as interesting as dancing, movies and how he's not gay, bloody shame.
I rather they'd flagged the segment and announced the award winners on the late news ....
That would've been great! Soba should definately knock out a press release.


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