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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I was going through all my old notes this morning, and realised this week its my one year anniversary of All grain brewing :o)

46 AG batches in a year is a pretty good effort eh? ;oP lol, hopefully I can make another 50 in the following 12 month!!
You need to target 52. 1 Per week!

You got a favourite of the 46?
46 batches in a year??? Where does it all go??

I'd be amazed if I hit 20 batches in a year. Not sure when I'll brew again - stocks are pretty high at the moment.

Nice work though, no wonder your beers have improved so much.
I probably drink about a keg every 2 weeks myself which is about 2 pints a day on average, then theres my flatmate, and all my mates, and a couple of keg parties thrown in there for flatwarmings etc ;o)

But its good, cos I love brewing and if people are helping to drink my beer it gives me a chance to brew more and try more styles!

If I had to pick a single favourite of the 46 it wouldnt be fair, but the ones that are worth a mention are (in no particular order)

1. Munich Dunkel
2. Pliny clone
3. Munich/Amarillo SMaSH
4. Galaxy Pale ale
5. Rye IPA
You should go pro! 46 is amazing.
Hey Reviled, Would love to try a Munich Dunkel do you mind sharing your recipe? Ta Dale
Absolutely Dale!! It was pretty simple, but sometimes the simple ones are the best eh ;o)

3kg Munich I
1.5kg Vienna
200g Carafa Type I
60 - 20g Northern Brewer 8.5%
15 - 15g Hallertau Aroma 6.4%

Wyeast 2000 - Budvar Lager 3rd generation and a big fuck off yeast cake!!

Be keen to know how it turns out if you do brew it :o)

Thanks heaps Reviled.....I'll keep you posted on it, just waiting for my mill to turn up then I want to get a few brews down and ready for the summer months.......can't wait. Did you get your Northern Brewer from Mike @ Brewerscoop? NZ Hops don't have any stock.
I got them from Tiffany ages ago, around xmas time from memory... If NZ hops dont have em at the mo Mike would probably be the best bet...

If you cant get Northern Brewer you could sub it for something else easy enough!
Having a go this morning for my second brew at Joking's Yakima Monster, as a mini-mash. ('Doing the Monster Mash'?) So far so good, I think..... (half way through the boil)
I have decided I don't like beersmiths's costs feature when brewing this one, I'd rather not know how much I spent on all those hops! ;-)
I know what you mean Nick, I spent the equivalent of a night out on my last load of hops, but it will brew me about 10 batches of beer... All good knowing I didn't spend my money on crap.
Hey Joseph,

how did your Triple go? I am thinking of doing a Trappist style brew myself, next. Any advice?


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