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What homebrew program are you using? - is it worth the money?

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I use Beersmith. Bought the key from craftbrewer
Beersmith, worth every cent.
Beersmith, worth every cent.
What they said.
Me too. And key from Craftbrewer too.
Promash. Never tried anything else and very satisfied, definitely good value.
I use Homebrew Formulator as I one of those poor deluded Mac fools. It is however freeware and does the job so long as you can operate in lb, oz and F. If beersmith was on mac I'd be rattling off my credit card number like a mantra to get a copy.
Hi Bambule - I run Beersmith on my Mac (but I run vmware fusion to run virtual windows).
Hey that's an idea, somebody actually gave me an old copy of virtual pc they didn't want, I just never bothered installing it.
Just so everyone knows Beersmith runs well under Wine in Linux too, a little fiddly to get it going but if you're already figured Linux it shouldn't be a problem.

I believe there's a Mac version of BeerToolsPro if you don't want to use an emulator, but TBH I didn't like BTP.
Best value in my opinion is the one you don't need to pay for (ninja time)!

The Beer Recipator started me off, then BrewBlogger... then I got Beersmith.


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