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HY THERE,, I WAS WONDERING IF ANYONE KNEW OF SOME BREWING COURSES IN AUCKLAND, IM REALLY INTERSTED IN LEARNING THESE PROCEDURE,, so any information about any kind of micro brewery,, or restaurant or something that gives this type of course,, i will be really thankfull,, cheers

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Are you talking homebrewing or commercial/craft brewing?

If homebrewing, hook up with someone local to you to check out how they brew a batch.
looking more for commercial purpose,, thanks
I'd be more than interested if anyone in Welly wanted to have a "learn to brew" session...I wanna learn.
I'd love to see NZ put on the equivalent of the National Homebrewing Conference. I'd even attempt to help organize it if I didn't already have commitments for organizing a conference in Jan next year.

Perhaps this could start off as a session, or couple of sessions, in someone's backyard? or try and find a venue for a bunch of people to get together and go through the basics? or an unconference style barcamp (pun intended) where people come along on the day and decide the topics to discuss? There's probably a business opportunity for those experienced homebrewers who are looking at making a bit of extra dosh.
Yes, I've thought the same thing. My own vague thought is it would be good to have something at the other end of the year (and other end of the country?) from Beervana. Just not sure there'd be enough interest.
I'd come to a learn how to brew session! I know the basics, but its always good to pick up the tricks from experienced homebrewers.
So would I!!!
Mike and I were going to offer a "homebrewing course" to a guy in Mikes Garage the weekend before last. He never showed up though.

Mikes setup is good enough to demonstrate with... I have a Bachellor of Eduction, and I'll be in Wellington on the 28th and 29th of August.

Mike - what say we offer a course to half a dozen people. They supply money to pay for the ingredients so that they can take equal parts of the batch home when it's done fermenting? I can supply information regarding the process and the theory involved in it... sort of like recommended readings. You can get them back after a fortnight and go over the bottling process.

We could pencil it in for 8am August 29...? Motivation before beervana Saturday!
I'd really like to attend a brew day with you guys. I've never actually seen anyone else homebrew, I'm bound to be missing something! Would love to find a way to shorten the amount time I take to get a brew done.
Wouldn't be able to make that Saturday though if i'm in a fit enough state that morning i'm going to the SOBA AGM.
Awesome stuff guys! Brew days are great fun, ive learnt heaps the times I watch someone else do a brew!
Good Idea!!!!
When I first started, I honestly thought that I was the only person in NZ who was brewing AG - and as such, was fully self taught. I reckon that if I had the opportunity to learn of an experienced home brewer it would have taken at least a year off the learning curve... It basically took me a whole year to start making something actually nice to drink... something palatable... something that I wanted to drink all night, rather than at the end of the night because I was too pissed to give a shit about how it tasted... something that instead of wanting friends to drink it (so that I didn't have to drink as much myself), that I didn't want friends to drink because they didn't appreciate how good it tasted.

A whole year.... Thats a shit load of beer and money.

So, I was talking to Mike about it yesterday - and he feels the same way. The result is, that on the 29th of August at 8am sharp, we will be holding a brew session for dummies. 6 People who want to learn to brew, are welcome to come along with $5 (to pay for ingredients) and learn the basic principles of brewing as well as the process. You will learn what the minimum of equipment is (for convevtional brewing) and how to use it. You'll learn about basic sanitation, basic All Grain brewing, basic fermentation (dry yeast), and basic bottling. I will provide the learners with all the information (in written form) before the session so as to become familliar with the brewing terms.

2 weeks later, Mike will go over the bottling process and for the $5 each person will be able to go home with 6 pints of American Pale Ale to condition - and later on drink. And to be honest - $5 for 6 pints of Yakima Monster is pretty bloody cheap!

Mike's place is in Upper Hutt, so if you are interested - please state so here. If we don't get 6 peeps... the brew will be devided out to as many partcipants that are interested.

Home brewers (like you Dale) feel free to come along and check it out.



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