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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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pretty easy and quick. so probably!
what were your water additions?
Try this mate. There's a few profiles there that should work with your water, Tasty's APA is the profile I used for this.
chur. don't forget "The Harder They Come' download.
Indeed, onto it now mate.
This is my second attempt at an All Grain brew. Any feedback is welcome. In particular I'm not sure where to get glucose from. I also have some NZ Golding from my last brew which I was wondering about late-hopping with.

English Bitter (adapted from Old Brewery Best Bitter from the Great NZ Home-Brew book)

Baird's Marris Otter 2.25kg
Baird's Crystal (Medium) - 150 EBC - 125g
Glucose 450g
Flaked rice 100g
Fuggle pellets - 4.5%AA (60 40g, 40 20g, 10 15g)
Demerara sugar 75g
Irish moss 5g
Safale S-04 Dry Ale Yeast

The book says to transfer into a final fermenter after 3 days, do people find this sort of step useful?
I think you'd be more satisfied if you did away with the Glucose and Flaked rice and used 3.5 kg of Maris Otter in total. I dont bother with transfers to a secondary anymore - it's not necessary.

The hops look good - go hard!
I agree with Joking. Remove the glucose and increase the base malt. That amount of glucose will likely give it a slight cidery taste and dry it out too much.
Agreed. What size brew are you brewing? 2.25 kg + glucose, is a little light for 20L. For an average of about 4.5-5% ABV, you probably need a grain bill of about 5-5.5 kg total. It all depends on your efficiency.

For a fuller body and taste, forget the glucose and go all grain, if that's what you want. Or try some extract with some grain. Just exchange extract for grain 1:1, or vice versa.
Thanks for the replies guys. : ) I'll try going with all grain then. Is it worth upping the crystal at all, or only the Marris Otter. The total amount is for 20 litres.


Would be keen to hear how youre doing the eisbock crabbey??

I brewed my 'pre-prohibition cream ale' pale ale today ;o) Man US-05 is such a hungry bugger, I pitched onto a cake of it and popped out for an hour, when i came back theres allready fermentation happening!!!

Running out of fermenter and keg space now which is not good, means I wont be able to brew for a couple of weeks :o(
I racked a beer to keg last night to use it as a clearing tank thinking I had a keg spare..... now I need to finish a keg off by the weekend.... to transfer the bright beer into... tough job ahead lads!


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