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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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brewing this today, just mashed in with 75% smoked a variety of crystal, carafa and pale choc.... fermenting it with 1084, irish ale. any suggestions to hops? initially I was thinking cascade, but now i feel it may not work well with the smoke... other wise I'm thinking: NZ styrians (which I've never used before), Pacifica or Rakau. Any other suggestions, I've got a good selection of NZ hops to play with.
That Weyermann stuff can be used for 100% of the grist. No question. I don't know what Jamil was using, but if it's only 19% Weyermann Smoked... you'd struggle to even taste it in some beer styles. BUT... if it was smoked distillers malt, then you would need to age it for 6 months: that shit is strong.

Getting back to your brew Soren, maybe Motueka would go well with this... it suits dark beers quite well - so maybe the smoke too? I'm guessing you are only using it for bittering aye? Late additions might detract from / fuck with the malt a bit...?
might give motueka a try, doesnt sound like a bad idea. I was going to add some late hops, but not a whole lot. hmmmm, still got more than an hour to decide on the end hop...
Emerson's recent brewer's reserve (Hoppy Porter) had a combination of smoke and hop. Worked really well for me - not perfect but fun, intriguing and flavourful - but a lot of people didn't like it. That had Pacific Gem, Amarillo and Sauvin. Wasn't huegely smoky. Those boys are on a good roll right now. Much prefer the recent reserves to the pale ales that were churning out a little while ago.
Nah mate drunk well fresh and is drinking well now as its about 9 months old. only have 2 bottles left and there in the HB comp???? I think the recipe is on here? I think it went some thing like this

88% Smoked
6% Amber
4% Caraamber
2% Choclate

yeh, enter it Mike. treat the judges... i can assure you they really need those dazzling beers to help get them through the long days. They've got 6 rough beers of mine to get through, and only one that is ok, so give them some hope.
cool, thanks for that info. what, if any, late hops did you use?

Dont the judges have a spittoon?
Yeah Mike enter it. I haven't entered any smoked beers so go for it ;-)

Stu - I've entered a couple of dodgy and problematic beers myself, hoping for some constructive feedback. There's a couple of decent beers in there too though, take the good with the bad. I supect I'll learn more from the bad ones.
Done and dusted. Went with Motueka at 15 and Pacifica at 5.
Thanks for all the help!
Heres the recipe I was a little off!!

Brew Type: All Grain Date: 25/10/2008
Style: Other Smoked Beer Brewer: Michael Neilson
Batch Size: 23.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 27.37 L Boil Time: 60 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 90.00 % Equipment: Brew Pot (6+gal) and Igloo/Gott Cooler (5 Gal)
Actual Efficiency: 12.65 %

Taste Rating (50 possible points): 35.0
Mashed @ 67 for 1 hour

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.00 kg Smoked Malt (17.7 EBC) Grain 67.23 %
1.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 16.81 %
0.50 kg Caraamber (59.1 EBC) Grain 8.40 %
0.45 kg Pale Chocolate (220.0 EBC) Grain 7.56 %
45.00 gm Williamette [5.50 %] (60 min) Hops 22.2 IBU
20.00 gm Williamette [5.50 %] (10 min) Hops 3.6 IBU
0.50 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1.00 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs S-05 (Fermentis #S-05) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.071 SG (1.030-1.110 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 1.010 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.020 SG (1.006-1.024 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 1.005 SG
Estimated Color: 35.5 EBC (9.9-98.5 EBC) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 25.7 IBU (5.0-70.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 8.7 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 6.64 % (2.50-12.00 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 0.65 %
Actual Calories: 90 cal/l
Hey guys, need some advice for a pale ale using NZ hops.

This is the grist I'll be using (1.052)

86% UK Pale
6% CaraAmber
6% Munich II
4% Wheat Malt

I was going to brew an altered version of my last APA, had pencilled in 46 IBU, and 30g at 10 minutes, and 50g at flameout. And maybe a dry hop.

Have just ordered some Motueka, Riwaka and Nelson Sauvin from Liberty. I'd like to showcase the more fruity/citrusy side of NZ hops with as little of the peppery-ness as possible. Maybe with not too much Sauvin as I'm not too keen on the character of it in large amounts (if Mac's Hop Rocker is anything to go by anyways).

Any advice would be much appreciated, have no idea where to start on this one!


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