I see he kept that quiet from you Barry, just to ensure he could make a clean break.... but you're right he'll be back....
I had a Matson's Pilsner today, last time I tried it I got an overpowering banana flavour from the beer. Alas it seems they think a pilsner should have banana in it!
Spent about half hour in the beer isle at the supermarket tonight... had to put my now unfrozen peas and ice cream back and get some more, but managed to pick up a couple bottles of Emersons for my trouble. :)
You are the only one that picked this up. Yes you are correct. Unfortunately we could not get the yeast from our usual supplier and the other yeast had this effect. We did not notice it and a small batch was released. It has now been corrected.
Thankyou for your email.
Good to get a reply, and will be looking out for their next batch of Pilsner!
Stu, the pils was full of bananas! Having been told I was the only one to make the comment, I am guessing the others that drank it either didn't know what a pils is supposed to taste like, or won't be drinking it again.
Personally I can't wait to try it with the correct yeast... maybe I should offer to culture them up some 2007. ;)
as you are aware, *coco* is a trademark of the soren brewing company. please take down your post (or our lawyers will be all over you like rabies infected dogs!)
and if you don't know how bad rabies is, ask elaine, or bob sacamano:)