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Tomorrow is brew day again, after I put down a Bitter last Friday.

This is my stock APA, version 5.
23 litres

4200.00 gm Golden Promise (5.9 EBC) 83.17 %
450.00 gm Munich (15.0 EBC) 8.91 %
200.00 gm Wheat (4.0 EBC) 3.96 %
50.00 gm Amber (100.0 EBC) 0.99 %
50.00 gm CaraMunich II (120.0 EBC) 0.99 %
50.00 gm Chocolate Malt (689.5 EBC) 0.99 %
25.00 gm Crystal Dark (260.0 EBC) 0.50 %
25.00 gm Crystal Medium (145.0 EBC) 0.50 %
18.00 gm Northern Brewer [6.60 %] (60 min) Hops 12.2 IBU
18.00 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (60 min) (First Wort HopHops 12.8 IBU
20.00 gm Northern Brewer [6.60 %] (15 min) Hops 6.7 IBU
25.00 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (15 min) Hops 8.0 IBU
20.00 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (0 min) Hops
Chico / American Ale yeast
First brew day for 3 weeks... end of the hop bag so a bit of add lib

And the rain hammered down brown ale

5kg ADM PILs
0.4 kg crystal
0.4kg Amber
0.5 kg wheat
0.1kg Pale Chocolate

Stryians @ 60
Willamette @ 15
Willamette @ 1 to 34 IBUs
Planning ahead a touch. For Fri/Sat - just a mild with some light US additions to spice it up a bit.

Let's Get Mild!

Batch Size: 20.00 L
Boil Size: 29.50 L
Estimated OG: 1.036 SG
Estimated Color: 21.5 SRM
Estimated IBU: 17.8 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 66.00 %
Boil Time: 65 Minutes

3.05 kg ..Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (Bairds) 86.89 %
0.16 kg .Caramunich II (Weyermann) 4.56 %
0.16 kg .Crystal, Dark (Bairds) 4.56 %
0.07 kg .Black Malt (Bairds) 1.99 %
0.07 kg .Chocolate Malt, Pale (Bairds) 1.99 %

60 min @ 68.0 C

2.00 gm .Amarillo (60 min)
10.00 gm .Amarillo (30 min)
10.00 gm .Ahtanum (30 min)
10.00 gm .Amarillo (0 min)
10.00 gm .Ahtanum (0 min)

1 Pkgs London Ale III (Wyeast Labs #.1318) Yeast-Ale

Water profile - Ca - 99, Mg - 12, Na - 60, Cl - 71, SO4 - 72, HCO3 - 206

Planning on harvesting some slurry to use in a English IPA sometime soon.

4.5 kg Marris Otter
300 g Crystal
250 g carared
250 g Munich
120 g Weetbix

40g UK fuggles 60 minutes
40g " Fuggles for 10 minutes

Wyeast Ringwoods Ale

Colour 10 SRM
30 IBU's
Aprox. 6.4% ABV

I had calculated more IBU's, but Beersmith gave me a different total for these hops.
Good one Tony, I'm planniing a beer very similar to that at the moment.

Have you used Carared before? What impact will it have?
No mate I haven't. I was going to go for 500g of straight Munich. But I smelled and tasted the carared and thought I would give it a try. I believe it adds body as well. I was tossing up, between Munich and Vienna. But I felt the Munich would give it that little bit if biscuit flavour. It states it's an aromatic malt, for added colour and adding some body (Cryer malt website). http://sites.google.com/site/cryermalt/Home/weyermann-malts/weyerma...
Carared is like a crystal malt, its pretty good, ive used it in quite a few beers, including my pliny clone, its pretty close to crystal 40L going by the website...
Sunny chch afternoon and the only time I'm going to get all weekend to brew so just mashed in the grain for the Alphamax NZ PA.

85% MO
6% Munich
4% Amber
3% Crytal 80L
Nelson Sauvin and NZ Willamettes to 40IBU. 9SRM - Target OG 1.052, FG 1.012

Going to spread the bittering hops over a 15 min addition, a pinch at a time to see what that does to the bitterness - did some reading on it and i think some of the US breweries do this and I think joking (i think??) talked about it on here
What's the last 2% of your grain bill.... love? :)

Sounds like a nice PA, I may have to buy some pale malt off one of the CHCH boys to give another PA a try using the right malt!
Inability to round correctly accounts for the missing 2%. Didn't think anyone would notice,

I'll chuck you some MOPA if you're after some james
When putting the recipe into beersmith I wondered why my numbers were out! :)

The grain would be sweet, It'll be a week or two, have to organise my shit for my next brew day before Katie goes to Wellington for the weekend...
Nice day for brewing here in Wellington... got a bit of a loose Dubbel/Bruin on the go.

Golden Promise and Pearl Pale, Melanoidin, Caramunich II, Carared, CaraAroma, Carafa Special II. 1.062
Pacific Jade and Motueka to 22ibu.
Invert sugar at day two or three to add another 1%abv.

Had a go at this late last year - as "Fable of the Brown Ale". Or was it earlier this year???? Everyone I gave it too seemed to love it but I thought it needed more spark in the malt department. First step was to switch from ADM to UK pale malt. I've also dropped the colour back a wee bit.

Hug a brewer today.


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