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What do you guys do to keep your fermenters warm on these cold winter nights?

Im considering one of those fish tank heaters for putting in the fermenter? Has anyone used one or something similair?

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Mine go in the bath where I can control the water temp and due to the volume of water in the bath the temp doesn't change much overnight. Adjust the temp before bed and then again in the morning.

I only control the temp like that for first 4-5 days (for ales) and after that I just let it sit at room temp (16-19c at the mo.) for the remainder.
temp controled chest freezer best thing since kegged beer!!
Yeah I know i know... I have a temp controlled chest freezer, but I use it for my kegs...
Get another one then :-P
i use the chest freezer with a heat pad also. why not get one of those 25w bands Mike sells?
Chest freezer with a heat pad and temp mate. Its fantastic.
Sometimes i half think about getting in there when its too cold in the garage.
I've taken to using hot water bottles this rather cold winter.
Usually, being a no chiller, because the beer gets down to temp gradually I can time the pitch right so that fermentation starts when the beer is spot on. Then active fermentation keeps things warm. All this in a temp-controlled fridge.

My ideal set up would be a thermowelled fermenter for exact wort/beer temps, in a fridge with a heat pad and a heat/cool dual controller thing.

Oh, Ally Mcg - SNAP.
I use a fridge and electric blanket wrapped round the fermenter. I have a temperature controller that switches the blanket on when things get too cold.
Given that you used to sleep with your fermenters in your bedroom in the last place Rev, I thought you would have snuggled up to it on these cold winter nights.... :-p

My normal brews love the cold, lagers are the shit in winter! My ales etc are being kept inside in the office at the moment and with a blanky over them stay at about 18C all the time.

I have also taken over one or two of the shelves in the hot water cupboard... I pretended to clean it out of all the old sheets etc (as I needed rags for the garage) and what do you know, a free shelf!


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