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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Me too... suffering with a Smokin' Bishop here.
Not really beer, tho after the last of my Plinians (more malt balance, less simcoe) and the first of the BF Mk 2 (less black patent, more something) some Rosebank Single Malt from the now mothballed distillary. Very nice
Nice Baz! I was in Galbraith`s yesterday, they have Mussel`s- Captain Cooker 'manuka beer', on guest tap. Really interesting flavours, with the Manuka. Easy to drink, mild. It`s great to be able to get these beers up here.
A bit slow out of the block for this post... but better late than never I suppose. I had a few beers during my weekend in Auckland. I'll do this in chronological order:

Galbraiths Bitter and Twisted:

Better than the last time I had it up there. A wee bit of acetaldehyde, but overall very malty - hints of chocolate coming through... can't say it was in there when I used to live in Auckland. Not as estery as I was hoping for either... but then again - why should it be?

Galbraiths Bellringer Bitter:

Soft malts, not as big as the former - better mouthfeel, less acetaldehyde and a lovely balance. Stu reckons 1469... I reckon closer to 1968. They have more resudual gravity than my beer that I've made with 1469.

Yeastie Boys PKB

Not a bad drop. First time I've had this beer. Nice recipe, and really well brewed. Very clean - you gotta love Chico yeast. I was enjoying the balance in here too - leaning towards bitter. Strong ashy notes coming through from the Black Malt - but not overpowering. Good work here! Very much a Porter - no where near as hop flavoured as I was expecting, but I wasn't disappointed.

Later on that night, had a few home brews at Alisters place. None were bad - but Shannons IIPA was pretty good.

Friday I had to go to work for the day, then wen to Hallertaus that night:


I can really taste the hops coming through since the last time I was up. Better yeast strain being used IMHO - nice and clear, bright flavours of Amarillo type citrus, some lemon and lime - I can taste a dry hop of Sauvin. Well balanced towards bitter and offset with nutty NZ malt characters. Well done - lovely beer.


My favourite beer of the night. I love the Kolsch malt being used in this batch... really love it. The beer is sweet, bready: ACTUALLY BREADY. I can't say I have eber had a beer with that much malt character in it. Subtle hop additions don't bring this beer outside the rhealms of style guidelines. Super good stuff. Get into it Auckland.

Bring your Daughter to the Porter

Has softened up since I had this out of the conditioning tank. Nice roasty body - great flavours. Good recipe, and really well brewed. Not so hoppy - so really relying that roasted barley to balance the sweet malts, and this works well. Very much what I would imagine a classic Porter to taste like.

Saturday, had some more beers:

Had some IPA over at Peglegs house - very nice. Later on went over to Revileds place and had some of his Bitter which was really well brewed. Had the famous Pliny Clone too. Not bad at all - good work there bro.

I gues my highlight was the Maximus at Hallertau. This is a West Coast dream come true... Pine to the Days... Resinous, Dry - Passionfruit on the nose... Citrus... I could drink it all night long. I guess we'll see on the 17th aye?!?!?

Thats all I can think of...
It won't be "1469" as I'm pretty sure Galbraith's use a different lab... but I have heard "West Yorkshire".
Aw man Barry, making me jelous with that sexy bottle!!

Just got home and poured a pint of my Amarillo ordinary, its too cold cos I have a keg of doppelbock in the chesty, but once it warms up its tasting great!! Yeast has flocked finally (1469) and its got a really good toasty malt flavour, with the most subtle hint of a fruity hop flavour from the amarillo, no hop aroma, just a nice estery 1469 goodness backing up the malt! Yum!!! Def stoked cos its only 3.8% and has so much flavour...
Well - I'm a bit suprised here. It took a few weeks for the Farnasene to mellow out, but my NZIPA is actually tasting freekin good. I had a Pint after a hard day of work, and seeing how the doctor had ordered it... I had another. After dinner - I might have another.
Drinking ?
Too much of the Kid Choc clone Mk II - keg went phfffft at me last night. Mk III is this weekends brew so I'm in for a long wait.

cheers, jt
On my way to Galbraiths to try some captain cooker.
well that was an almighty ballsup. Turned up at GBs and all they could pour was a glass of foam.....apparently the guest tap is having problems......full keg and can't pour it WTF?

Any connection with PKB being very overcarbed?
Ian let me by the 10th person to pick up an Emerson's glass rigger, so drinking Brewer's reserve - a nice hoppy porter. Picked up 2l of Founders Short 'n Stout too, but not yet tried it. Mmmm, dark beers.
I loved that hoppy porter. Apparently it is being brewed again, which reads to me like Richard liked it too. good news all 'round.


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