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Hi There,
As co owner of a pub that stocks a range of (mainly) craft and (a little) mainstream beer and a small commercial brewer, I was thinking of attempting to draw mainstream drinkers away from thier brands by attempting a clone of thier favourite tipple, (namely Tui.)
Before you choke on your bottle conditioned real ale IPA's, this hasn't been done yet, and I'll be the first to admit, this is just an idea and actually goes against my brewing ethos.
What I want to know is, what ingredients make this stuff? I tried a bottle a while ago, and as a total hop head, there didn't seem to be much in there with a very sweet finish. It must be a lager too with a dolop of caramel(?) and a shed load of sugar. (It's all ready sounding cheap to make....)
Perhaps this should have gone in the 'recipe advice thread' but maybe there is a Tui/Speights clone out there.....? Only malt, hops, water and yeast would be used.
If nothing else, I'm sure this may create a little discussion and general abuse in my direction!

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"big beer + big hop = real mans beer"

+1 for the awesomeness of this statement, should be the quote of the day ;o)
Haha, the next Tui billboard maybe?
I get that all the time with my homebrew...

"Your beer is just too bitter for me Joseph".

What? Too bitter...? Fuck off. You're too soft.
That could be me you're swearing at Jo, I like my beers balanced and too many IBUs can stop me drinking it. For me Big Hop doesn't have to mean Big Bitter.
"Your beer is just too bitter for me Joseph".

And that's why we brew - so that you can have your bitterness and the other guy can have his malt

For me Big Hop doesn't have to mean Big Bitter.

Yea, there's lots of places to put your IBU's and up front isn't always the tastiest.

"big beer + big hop = real mans beer"
Nah, it's about drinkability, show me a piccy of Jake the muss with an Epic ?
Nah - it's not you. It's my family - 35 is too bitter for them.
I can't offer a recipe as it is something I've never brewed. However, if I was going to brew one I would start by looking at the SOBA style guide for 0A.NZ Draught. It's pretty detailed and it shouldn't be too hard to build a recipe from.
I didn't read your post properly the first time, so here's a recipe I quite fancied trying for a Draught / Bitter 5 Gallon batch.

5lb 8oz British Pale / Marris Otter
1lb Brown Malt
8oz Toasted Malt

1.25oz golding @ 60 min
.75oz Fuggles @ 20 min
.75oz Amarillo @ 10 min

I though maybe a German Lager yeast instead of the Cask Ale to give it a larger bent.

Think I might try this one next at home actually.
lbs and ozs??? WTF dude??? :o(
How long you been brewing Rev? When I first started out I all the recipes I found where from USA, and the weights in pounds and ounces. I screwed up my water additions as I was using UK liquid instead of US liquid... stupid....

1lb = 450gm, 1oz = 28gm or thereabouts.
Ive been brewing probably a wee bit over a year now, but I never bothered to look at any of the USA recipes simply because of the lbs and ozs, I mean, were making beer, not dealing weed :oP lol
Happy to give you the Kid Choc recipe. We won't make it again. 3.6%... you might want to bbump it to 4%. If you dropped the 15min hop completely and removed the brown malt (maybe the black too) I think you'd be pretty close to where you want to head. Use an American yeast, something like WLP001 or, for a shade more fruit, WLP051.


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