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Here is my opinion on the matter.

Wyeast 1056 = US-05... they behave the same in every way. I've been doing little observations over the last few years. It might be worth a split batch to finalise these opinions, however they both need fining in the fermenter to aid in flocculation, they are both producers of "vanilla" type esters at 22 degrees plus... also they both ferment quite happily at the 15 degree mark.

WLP001 on the other hand drops bright at 5 degrees and less... it also flocs on its own at room temp (over time). At warmer temps, the ester is "fruity" compared to "vanillary". The palate this yeast creates is fuller compared to the other 2 - the mouthfeel as a result has more "presence"...

In my opinion - out of the 3 strains, WLP001 is superior. Dont get me wrong though: they are all very good strains, however if I were to choose 1 out of the lot... I'd pick 001.

Let the debate rage.

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I don't understand, why do you need to use more? Isn't x amount of cells still x amount of cells whether its been re-hydrated or its still dry?
No. Either way you are still putting X number of cells into the wort, whether or not X amount of live cells go into the wort is a different story.

When the cells are rehydrating they have no control of what passes through their membrane. This allows all sorts of yeast 'toxins' through, resulting in a ridiculous loss in viabilty - something like 50%.
Well there you go. You learn something everyday.
That's bad news vdog.

Don't give up on liquids though - and dont give up on that batch either... it might just need some good conditioning.

Next time you plan to use liquid yeast, jump onto the MrmMalty pitching rate calculator. Also plan ahead by a few days or so... this truly does save a hell of a lot of heartache.

'05 is definately one of my favourites, but I can honestly say that I haven't made my best beer with it.

Persevere my friend, and you will be rewarded for your hard work.
Sounds familiar VDog, my only bad beer which I couldnt drink was a result of me direct pitching a smack pack that wasnt fully swollen, the instructions on the pack are right, but only if you get it fresh as.. A starter may seem like a hassle but its worth it in the end, and as Jo says, the results are well worth it! I wouldnt say youve got an infection, youve probably just underpitched massively and stressed the hell out of the yeast, when I did the same all I got was mint and herb, it smelt feral!

And Martin, I allways just sprinkle my S-05 onto the wort and ive never had any problems, I dont mix it in or anything, just sprinkle, then seal and walk away...

Ive dumped onto the S-05 yeast cake up to 3 times as well and again didnt have any problems...

My 2 cents :o)
So you reckon just chuck an 05 in there and see what happens? Or bottle it (manky though it smells and tastes at the moment) and leave it alone? Or is it still buggered beyond all salvation and fit only for the drain? =(
What is the specific gravity? If it has it finished fermenting then there's no point adding more yeast.

I did something similar to what you are describing and the beer was full of parsnip & cabbage smells, BIG TIME!!! It slowly improved in the bottles and was just drinkable. I'd say bottle it and hope that it improves to become drinkable. I will probably never be "nice" but it might be drinkable.
Yeah the yeast would have reproduced enough by now, the damage is done...

I didnt drink any of mine, but bottled it anyway and gave it to mates when they came round :o) lol, they didnt notice and found it drinkable, but like Mrcherry says, it will probably never be "nice"
Whenever I have a beer like that I force myself to drink some as a way of driving home the lesson learned. It seems to have worked, I never made that mistake twice☺
I've never tried WLP001, however I have used US-05 and 1056 quite a bit. It's hard for me to pinpoint exactly why, but my preference is 1056. I just like the general characteristics overall from a 1056 batch (I know, that is rather vague). While I've yet to do a split batch, I've brewed the same recipe several times with both and have always enjoyed the 1056 batch more.

That said... I still use US-05 a lot because I often find that I have time to brew on short notice and have no starter going. I'm never disappointed with the 05, but I just enjoy the 1056 more. In fact, I brewed an American Brown on the weekend and used 05 - it *always* starts fermenting faster for me.

I know, a lot of waffle with little detail... but that's what I do. :-)
For my latest brew I used the dried American Ale twin pack yeast from craftbrewer. On the web site it says AKA 1056 but I assumed it was just US-05 repackaged.

When I rehydrated it seemed to behave differently to US-05 (foamier and a darker brown color) and smelt more like a smackpack of 1056. I fermented at 17 deg and it seems fairly clean and nuetral so far.
Does anyone know what that stuff really is?
I would be pissed of it it was anything but 1056 as stated!!


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