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This Friday (and it is a holiday) is the deadline for the next Wyeast order.

Download a copy of the catalog (see attached)

Contact Tony
e. tony@realbeer.co.nz
p. 09 272 3995
f. 09 272 2335

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Guys, getting Wyeast this way is the business and well worth the extra couple of bucks over craftbrewer IMO!

I ordered a propogator pack, recieved it two days ago, and the manufacture date was the 8th of June!!! Thats just so damn fresh! I smacked it this morning and its almost fully swollen!!! Awesome!

Cheers Tony :o)
Yep, awesome service. My 1388 Belgian Strong came yesterday - still not quite sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but it's definitely as fresh as a daisy.
Yup, got mine yesterday, so fresh, the yeast is actually yeast coloured unlike the brown coloured stuff I get from CB in Aus.

CB is still choice as for those emergency ones though.
I've never had a problem with the Craftbrewer-supplied ones. Need to make a starter, but that's a good idea anyway.

Has anyone tried the ones from Dunedin Malthouse yet? Are they direct imports or via RealBeer?
Ive never had a problem from Craftbrewer either, apart from somtimes itll take a couple of days for the starter to kick off tho, but I just really couldnt get over the freshness! If you wanted you could get an activator and direct pitch without problems id say!
Yeah no dramas so far with CB either, just when you compare the colour of the yeasts the CB ones are quite a lot darker which means more dead cells.

I'll still use Craftbrewer as it's faster and I don't have to plan my brews quarterly, but where it fits in I'll be using RB's order service.
No dramas with CB ones but...................................

Dunedin Malt House are direct import from oregon too. They are the full size activator and are $18 each. I have already bought some, and when I received mine, they were only a month from production.

I spoke to Dennis before I bought the yeast, and he said he'd get whatever you want when he places his next order. I was more than happy with his service - he sent it very well packaged on a next day service.

ESB here I come.
Yeah, but when you order from CB you have a good excuse to by shit you can't get here, haha.
Thats pretty good considering Dennis used to reculture and put in those glass containers eh?
ESB Here I come??? Malt???? Whats that??
I need to make one bro - I've got 4 keg fulls of different IPAs on the go!
Whats the bet you chicken out at the last minute and throw 100gms of Columbus in there ;o) lol


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