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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Very true. I always pack the sulphate into the hoppy beers.
300ppm for me in an IPA!! what a sicko!!
i've heard that as well, there was some sulphate in there from memory so hopefully it will go. it's still a young beer
Down to 1.014, that's a 12.6% beer!!! Were your experiences with the imperial blend like this? It tastes smooth though, and the hop flavours are definitely there though maybe not as strong as with s05
Looking good bro! I reckon 20% rye is perfect in any pale ale!!! Yum!
Nice one man!! Dont forget the 15 min Rump Steak addition for meatyness or for more meaty flavour opposed to aroma try half an OXO cube, beef one of course, hahahaha!! :))

Just bottled an Imperial Stout and have a Bohemian Lager on the way. Both were Mashed using the "tea bag" method.

55l Keg mash tun under construction!
Tea bag method?? That wouldnt be BIAB would it?
Yeah thats right. Managed to get fairly good efficiency out of it.

The chilli bin I was using for mashing didnt have a tap though so had to pull the grains out and gently squeeze them for each batch sparge. (as apposed to draining the wort out the bottom). Hence tea bag method.

The wort for the stout was mean but not too sure what sort of flavors will come through for the lager though, seemed a bit darker than usual and had a fair bit of lees left in the boiler after I cooled and siphoned it.
That'll be the protein coming through your bag from the sparging process. It's nothing to concern yourself about - totally normal... you can minimise this with conventional mashing and sparging - but don't tell Reviled I said that.
Well I finally got around to my first brew in about 2 months - about bloody time as all my kegs are blowing dry...aaagggh!

Brewed Bazza's Bitter recipe from the last case swap:

4kg Marris Otter
300gm Crystal
35gm NZ Styrian @ 60
18gm NZ Styrian @ 15
15gm NZ Styrian @ 1

No chilled too.

However, I managed to completely fuck my new Better Bottle by transferring hot wort into it! Grr, it's all shrunk up and mishaped at the bottom. Thankfully nothing lost though. I did have too much wort though, so have also filled a demi-john to ferment seperately.

Yeast - Ringwood Ale - my first reculture from the frozen yeast bank.
Brewing today and tomorrow, today an Amarillo Best Bitter

3.6kg Perle
200g CaraMunich II
120g Cara Amber
80g Brown
90 - 10g Nugget 11.6%
20 - 12g Amarillo 8.6%
5 - 12g Amarillo 8.6%

Still unsure if I should go 1469 or just US-05, will maybe just do the 05 cos its easier? But well see if I end up with extra wort for a starter...


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