Hi - some of you may know that we run regular showcase weekends at the pub. The next one is in July and I was wondering if there were any suggestions for beers we could feature. As the title says - winter ales, stouts and darks (or porters, altbiers or any other style that would suit).
We usually have 6 taps - plus the 3 beer engines if there's something suitable.
and then every other pub/micro brewery I can think of that I'm going to be near. Doing LA, Las Vegas, San Fran over 2 weeks so will be in for a beery treat.
But 10th to 12th is the one w/e in July I'm not free and I've not got a US replacement trip for that yet. hmmm
I can confirm that USA has a great selection of really excellent beers. That said, many of the hop-monsters weren't to my liking (taste lost in the hops - heresy!!!), but some of the tamer IPAs were very enjoyable. Some day I'll make it over to the GABF...some day.
Some good suggestions - we're discussing the lineup over the next 2-3 days. We have ordered a 'Pot Kettle Black' from Yeastie boys. Many of the beers suggested we've already served and we are keen to use the showcase as an opportunity to get in the some new brews. I'll post the final selection on the 'what's on tap' forum.
And the list of beers included in The Dark Side Showcase (10-12th July) is....
Emersons Brewers Reserve M'Lord Ale
Emersons London Porter
Green Man Strong
Harringtons Wintertide
Moa Winter Ale
Three Boys Oyster Stout
Yeastie Boys Pot Kettle Black
And we'll also have Townshend's Number 9 Stout and Townshends ESB on the engines.
Thanks for your suggestions. Should keep us warm, that lot.