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As the weather is changing im now starting to think I might brew and old ale, I have the yeast, Wyeast Old Ale but now I need the Grist Im thinking of using the following

UK Pale
Pale Choc

Any one got any sugestions?

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Keen to see your final recipe Mike :o)

Ive been working on this - any thoughts anyone? Planning to mash high and unleash the fury of Brett :o) lol

Im thinking a 6kg Grist
70% pale - probably Perle
16% Munich
3% Cara-Aroma
2.5% Rye
2.5% Wheat
2% Dark Crystal
2% CaraMunich II or CaraAmber ???
1% Melanoidin
0.5% Peated
0.5% Molasses
Cant remember here but will post it tonight.
Scrap my previous recipe - now ive got this slightly modified, ive also been talked out of the molasses...

4kg 200g Pale
150g Wheat malt - head retention
960g Munich - maltiness
60g Melanoidin - beef up the munich
120g CaraAmber - biscuit character
120g CaraMunich - fruit and nut character
180g CaraAroma - raisins yum lol
150g Rye - slight oilyness attributed

300g brown sugar - slight toffee flavour

FWH : 20g NZ Goldings, 20g Willamette
15 : 10g NZ Goldings, 15g Williamette

Wyeast 1469 - Then Brett
Heres Mine

83.74% M/O
6.16% Amber
2.46% Caraaroma
2.46% Maramunich II
2.46% Melanoidin
1.48% Pale Choc

36IBUS of Fuggles at 90
50g Fuggles at 15

Molasses and a reduction and a 2 hour boil.

41.2 EBC

Wyeast PC Olde Ale

"""""""""""Recipe Subject to Change with out Notice""""""""""""""""
Maramunich II, never heard of it whats it like?
Its the dogs bollocks I find it changes with diffrent specialties added to it with I love it with pale choc it turns the brew into Choclotate wheatens and with Caraaroma its like Prunes in an APA with other crystals it adds for me a big malty fruity character to it!! Thats what I have picked up but thats my tastes and they change frequantly
With molasses, is 60gms really going to give me an overpowering taste if its not my thing? I thought if anything such a small amount would leave a very subtle taste but am I wrong?
Im only putting in 80g in the mash, I reacon it will be there but not so pronounced!!
Youre putting it into the mash??? not the boil??? Can I ask why?
Break it down so its fermentable as I actualy want this old ale quite dry, so your begging to drink more!!
Interesting, I might have to do that also...
Someone help please :o( im currently brewing my old ale - I checked the gravity before I left for aussie and a couple of days after pitching Brett from a Porter Noir bottle (which was really tasty) and it hasnt moved from 1030 in about 8 days :o(


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