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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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How does that compare to other base malt you have used Mark?

And - how did your kettle hold up for your IIPA mate?
Efficiency seems to be pretty much the same, maybe a bit less for wheat. The only other base malt I've used is ADM and that seems pretty good as well. Mash ph seems to be a big factor for me, either that or the brewing gods smiling on me some days! Kettle was awesome! Boiled the first runoff in a separate (large) pot on the stove and added to later runoff in the kettle, absolutely no problems. The problem originally (I think) was turning the kettle off then on again, this caused the wort to cake on to the kettle. Now once it's on I leave it on. It took hours to get the volume down, is there any technique when brewing huge beers to avoid such large volumes? Quicker/slower sparge?
I take it that you keep collecting until your run off reaches a certain level - which is why you'd be getting so much wort. What I do, is use a little bit more grain, and stop collecting when I get to a certain level in the kettle - because I know that I boil off 2 Liters per hour I can more accurately estimate the S.G
Mash efficiency or brewhouse?
I use brewhouse (volume in the fermenter) and usually get around 70% (up to 75% for lower gravity beers - less grain seems to make a significant difference). Haven't noticed a difference across different grains, though it is rare for me to use anything other than MO, Pearl or GP - all Baird's. Have used ADM three times and I like it as the right kind of beer (something with a fair bit of specialty and not a big reliance on rich malt character).

but, then again, i don't trust my local HBS hydrometer at all! so take it all with a grain of salt.
Looks like it's supposed to be brewhouse efficiency according to the help directory. All the volumes, volume losses and temperature volume losses match up - and this is the 2nd time in a row Maris Otter has given me 6 more gravity points over what Golden Promise would have given me!
I have noticed a slightly better efficiency with Maris Otter. But I didn't think anything of it as, for reasons documented previously, there are other factors at play when you average a 50% efficiency (that's right, you heard me). A good crush on Stu's crusher spiked me up to 65%, the other part of the equation, the mash/lauter tun filter is the other part. I've got one of those beer bellies from craft brewer heading my way. I was very happy to realise my parents lived within walking distance of the place. Once thats here I'll happily settle for 70-75%.

Oh, and for the record I always measure my grain temp to work out strike water temp, as I tend to brew outside the ambient temp of the grain can swing wildly.
OMG i think im in love with my new brewery :o) Took a day's annual leave yesterday and brewed up a storm, everything went really well!

A couple of firsts for me - 1. I used an Immersion Chiller!! Thats right, me, a no-chiller, using a chiller, I liked it so much in fact that it allowed me to do two brews in one day as I didnt have to no-chill in the kettle, awesome!

2. I set up a 'sparge bucket' made out of an old bucket fermenter I had lying around the place, basically what I did was remove the bag, place into the sparge bucket, line the bucket with the bag and spread the grain around forming a grain bed in the bucket.. I then sparged with about 8 litres of water at 78*c and recirculated it twice, the wort that was coming through was pretty clear, and it left me with a heap of wort in the kettle...

I brewed a Doppelbock, and got an OG of 1072 and a massive 23litres even after a 2 hour boil. 77% efficiency on a big beer (7.1kg of malt) in my small pot, im super stoked!! Pitched last night onto the yeast cake I built up with a coopers lager kit..

And then I brewed Pliny the Elder clone, I had to do another 2 hour boil but hit my exact target, 1073 and 20 litres ;o) It smelt absolutely awesome, and the best thing (I think) is that I could smell the hops like crazy untill about 5 mins after the immersion chiller was on, and it was like the aroma had been trapped because it wasnt so prominent?? I added the FO hops after about 5 mins of chilling in the hope I get a massive aroma!

Such an awesome day, im so stoked with my new set up and my immersion chiller ;o) lol
Whats this, no BIAB, Tyler?
Yeah Tyler, you're freaking me out man.
Still BIAB boys, dont you worry about that ;o) More of a two tier BIAB tho, could even go three tier ;oP lol - Im actually considering doing a brew sculpture but still having it as BIAB so I can still represent ;o) All I need is an HLT

I basically hoisted the bag out and placed it into the sparge bucket, so the bag was still acting as a filter, but I got a 2nd filter with the grain bed which seemed to work well.. The mash was still done in the kettle with the bag lining it.. It was sort of like a BIAB batch sparge or something...
It's always a good sign when you put hops in the kettle, and you don't smell all the oils boiling off. Sounds a bit arse about face - but it's true!
Yeah I could definately tell the difference instantly, normally the smell lingers for ages after a brew, but as soon as that chiller was on the smell dissipated...

Did I mention I love my new brewery lol :o) So good having a garage, access to water and power is so handy!


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