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Over the past couple of weeks I've had a couple of bad beers from a couple of NZs best craft brewers. On both occasions I decided to be proactive and flick the brewery an email letting them know of my experiences.
- The first brewery responded immediately and more than compensated me for the bad beer.
- The second brewery hasn't responded yet or has chosen not to respond.

I can't help but feel like a whinging beer geek even though I paid $6-8 for a drain pour.

So my questions to all you beer lovers out there are:
- Do you provide feedback to breweries when you get a bad beer (or a particularly great one for that matter)?
- Also, If you had a brewery, would you want to hear about every bad experience from crazy, over-excitable beer geeks & lovers?

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Stonecutter on tap is the way to go mate, beats the bottled by miles.
I love 'em both.
I got a Paradox from New World Birkenhead last night. Was cloudy and fairly subdued. I could taste the quality - that it would be a lovely beer fresh; but sadly it was a long way from that. Old stock probably? Is Paradox a special/seasonal or is it one of the range?
I didn't pour it anywhere but down my throat, but it was a long way from it's best.

No I don't want a refund, but, and this just came to me, wouldn't it be a great idea if the breweries knew of a place where their beers were well kept, where you would be guaranteed to get a good one, and if someone complained send them there? I'd appreciate that, especially if I could get one with some immediacy so I could compare while the off tastes of the not-so-good on were still fresh in my mind.
Paradox was a seasonal/special from spring last year so is probably getting on a touch.
The Paradox on the shelf these days is getting kinda old, think it was made before christmas. we have just bottled a new batch and that should be in the stores soon. its definitely not a beer to age. it was always meant as a seasonal but Brian and Andy are thinking of making it permanent. I've been to Birkenhead and it seemed like they treated the product with respect, I didnt see what was happening out back though....
When are we gonna see that IIPA? :-)
There is such a place... in fact there are three in Wellington. Bar Edward, Malthouse and D4. The latter two are more glamorous but do, on occasion, serve the beer a little too cold. I've never had a bad 'pint' in D4. I've never had a bad 'pint' in The Malthouse while Colin has been involved. Bar Edward won't ever win awards for its decor or beer/food matching but the beer is always the best in town... by a nose (and it takes a lot to beat D4 and The Malthouse).
Soren, I think it was APA, bought from New World Victoria park, I sent the complaint through to Sales at renaissance, gave the batch number and everything.That was the only email address I could find. I am keen to let brewers know about problems, especially after the Brown Teal Ale turned to custard.Sigh..
Brown Teal turn to Custard?? Custard?
No if it was custard I might have been able to sell it! oxidised flat bad. Not the brewer, but the bottle capper on the Mahine, only lasted a month in glass. Steve won't make me any more cos he cant trust his bottles.
Rage Against the Meheen


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